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Webench Altium Export Missing Files

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS54060, TPS62177

I tried to export a TPS54060-Q1 design to Altium.  Included in the zip file are two date stamped directories.  In both directories there is a readme directing me to open the .PcbDoc file.  This file does not exist in either directory. 

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Matt

  • Hey Matt,

    I apologize that  the downloaded file contained an incorrect Readme file  for the TPS54060.  The readme file should contained the following message:

    To import your new SCHEMATIC into Altium:

    1. Start the Altium program.

    2. From the menu select "File" and then select "Open".

    3. Select the file named in the path above ending with ".SchDoc"

       and "Open" the file.

    4. Your schematic should be viewable within Altium.

    Due to the recent software update, it looks the incorrect Readme files are being used.  We will make the correction ASAP.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for notifying us the issue.




  • I see similar problem with TPS62177. But in addition, the above procedure with file->open->..schdoc crashes in first time called. Second time it opens, but sch is allmost empty with only to parts.
    What are the procedures for the PCB?

    Now the Webench gives a fault when generating altium files:
    ERROR: [FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 500: url: ''"] messageId="1DB7B5C3-C806-53FB-7C59-405886BABEC8" type="fault" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

    This is new. Can it be a timeout due to inactivity?
  • Hello Henning,

    Thank you for pointing out readme file with missing instructions. There was a recent software update and it looks like the instructions were not updated on the servers. We will updates them all ASAP.

    BTW, I tested both the TPS62177 schematic and board files. It opened ok for both in Altium as you can see below. Can you tell us what version of Altium are you using? Please feel free to contact me at if you would like to debug the issue.