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Doing a design using a TPS61230
Current limit on this part as a rather complicated affair. The Web bench tool used to calculate and display many parameters seems to omit this key aspect of a power supply design. Did I miss this? Is it there somewhere?
Current limit is taken care of inside the TPS61230 model in WEBENCH.
When you input your Vinmin, Vinmax, Iout, and Ta requirements into WEBENCH, we assume the Iout value you enter is the maximum Iout your design needs to handle. For the TPS61230, if this maximum Iout specified will cause the inductor (input) current to exceed the switch current limit, the design will not be created. WEBENCH will also not create a design if the precharge current limit check is violated.
When design creation fails, click on the "Show Why Parts Were Not Found" button (should appear in the Visualizer or pop-up message window). Search for the TPS61230 row which will explain why the design could not be created.