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Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
Please see attached pspice code shared by one my customer. It is successfully compiled in TINA but shows error “Floating point division by zero”.
Same code is working perfectly in LTSpice.
.subckt Pulse1_12V + - .param Ua = 13.5 .param Us = -150 .param Ri = 10 .param td = 2m .param tr = 1u .param t1 = 0.5 .param t2 = 200m .param t3 = 50us .param t0 = 1m R2 + - {Ri} I1 - + EXP(0 {Us/Ri} {t0+t3} {tr/2.2} {t0+t3+(5*tr)} {td/2.305} {t1}) I2 - + PULSE({Ua/Ri} 0 {t0} 1u 1u {t2} {t1}) .ends Pulse1_12V
Hi JC,
Please update on this. Any new TINA release to be coming soon?
Vinod Sharma