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TIDA-00078: CDCE62005 GUI Control

Part Number: TIDA-00078
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCE62005

The CDCE62005 chip on the EVM has an external reference input at J8. I would like to use a external clock with test equipment (10MHz) to sync up all the signal to the same reference.

The CDCE62005 GUI does not seem to be operational, when I click on it from the main GUI, there is no additional GUI for CDCE62005 that pops up. 

Any recommendation for enabling external reference to the CDCE62005?



  • Hey Juswanto, 

    You will need to operate the TSW6011 EVM GUI not the CDCE62005 GUI. 

    Here is a link to the user guide that has a link to download the GUI. 


  • I am running the TSW6011 EVM GUI. The TSW6011 EVM GUI has an icon for CDCE62005 that when I clicked nothing happens. On the other hand, on the TSW6011 EVM GUI when I click on the receiver or the FPGA icon, there is additional GUI that pops up for the receiver or the FPGA.
  • Hey Juswanto,

    Can you send me a snapshot of the GUI that illustrates the problem you are seeing? You can also try programming the CDCE manually. Try downloading the CDCE EVM GUI on and see if you can program that GUI in the same way you would for the TSW to get the configuration you want. Save and open the configuration file from the CDCE62005 GUI and use those register settings you see there to create a configuration file that you can upload to the TSW. See if that works.

  •  I am adding the TSW6011EVM GUI, showing where I clicked the CDCE62005 and nothing happened. I was hoping I did not have to program the CDCE manually, as the TSW6011EVM should have the control for the CDCE62005. I can try downloading the CDCE62005 GUI, and see if that works.

  • Hey Juswanto,

    Can you give me a little more technical detail on what you are trying to do?

  • I am trying to supply a clock that is external to the EVM. The EVM has connectors that allows external clock or external reference to be supplied to the CDCE62005.
    I want to try to lock all the clocks in the EVM to 10MHz of the measurement system. Now, it's been a while since I was doing the lab experiment, when I saw something that I thought could be improved if I have all the clocks sync up to the same reference.
  • and the problem that you are seeing is that CDC does not respond to the GUI?


  • Yes... finally you got it.
  • Okay. This device is fairly old and is not really actively supported by anyone at the moment. With that being said, here are a few things you can try to debug.

    Does the GUI have any affect on your hardware? If not, probe the SPI clocks and verify that they are present at the CDC. If they are verify the reference signals are present at the CDC. If the signals are present but no CDC output. Check to verify it is receiving the correct voltage supply. You can also trace the paths from the CDC to the SMA input to verify that there is no break in connection when probing signals.

  • Yusuf:

    The GUI part for the CDCE62005 does not work (ie, when I click the CDCE62005 icon on the TSW6001 GUI, nothing happens), that's why I created this issue. The other icons on the TSW6011 GUI, such as the TRF3711 or the FPGA work fine. But the CDCE62005 icon does not work. The CDCE62005 hardware is working fine, because I am getting the correct signal out of the DAC, and the control on the TRF3711 or the control on the FPGA works, as I can see their effects on the spectrum analyzer. I just don't know how I can control the CDCE62005, ie I want to use external clock, instead of the onboard crystal oscillator. I don't think there is anything wrong with my CDCE62005 hardware, I am having problem with the control that is given to me by TI, that does not allow me to change the setting on the CDCE62005. THere is no point in debugging the hardware like you suggested, if I cannot even control it. Sorry, I am getting a little bit impatient, because it is taking several weeks, and you don't seem to be understanding my problem.
    Could I have somebody else look at this issue request?
  • Juswanto,

    Sorry for your frustration. I understood that your issue is that the CDC is not responding to the GUI but I was not aware that the CDC was still fully functioning. That's why I suggested that you verify the power supply. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

     I am asking that you take a probe SPI pins at the CDC just to double check that there are signals present there when toggling the GUI. If there is break in the SPI path somehow then you will experience the problem you are seeing. If you do this and there is still no luck. I will try and find someone with more experience with the part.


  • Yusuf,

    THere is no doubt the CDC hardware is working properly in the EVM. The CDC provides critical clock to the FPGA, ADC, DAC, etc. If the CDC hardware is not working, I would never be able to make RF measurement out of the DAC. The CDC hardware is controlled by the EVM main GUI, and it is only preprogrammed to give the fixed clocks that all the other blocks require. Again, if the CDC HW is not working, I cannot make the measurements on signal coming out of the DAC, and change the FPGA control, etc. THese are all working fine, hence the CDC is working fine. If CDC is not working, I would not see RF signal coming out of the DAC at 32MHz, and none of the FPGA control will have response on the DAC RF signal.

    THe main problem is, the CDC GUI is not enabled for the end user, to be able to use other clocks that can be supplied through the external SMA connectors. 

    You asked me to check the SPI clock and control signals when I click on the CDC GUI/icon, well, there are not codes behind the GUI, such that nothing happens.

    Could you help find who the person is that writes the GUI for the EVM, and see if he/she has a version that the CDC GUI is enabled?



  • We will take an engineer take a look at this and get back with you tomorrow.

  • Hey Juswanto, 

    In order program the CDC for ext ref you have to do so through the digital processing tab. Sorry for the misunderstandings. 
