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TINA/Spice/TPS7A85A: Current Sharing Parallel LDO using Ballast Resistor referencing TIDA-01232 or using control loop with sense resistors referencing TIDU-421?

Part Number: TPS7A85A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, , TIDA-01232, TPS74401

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models


I need a LDO regulator that can provide Vin = 3.3V, Vout = 1.0V and capable of sourcing up to 8A, and upon searching, I found TPS7A85A to be the best candidate. To achieve this high of a current output, it would mean I would need qty 3 TPS7A85A LDOs in parallel. After researching current sharing and LDOs in parallel, TI mentioned that for high current and low noise TIDA-01232 (ballast resistors) should be used, and for high accuracy TIDU142 (control loop and sense resistors) should be used. I am leaning towards using the TIDA-01232 design, due to the fact it has been thoroughly tested with six LDOs in parallel and specifically uses the TPS7A85A; while the TIDU421 design has only been tested with two LDOs and used a different LDO part.

1) If high accuracy is the requirement, is it recommended to use TIDU421 design with qty three TPS7A85A in parallel or is it strictly for only two LDOs? If three is acceptable, how would that be implemented? Would a double supply control loop op amp be needed?

2) I have simulated the TIDA-01232 design in Tina with 3 LDOs in parallel, and wanted to clarify the RBallast and Evout (see calculations below):

In the reference design, there is a given Evout formula, in which I calculated assuming Voutnom = 1V and ERfb = 1% (not sure about this value since it wasn't given or if its needed?)

However, in the document it also mentions using Evout = 0.75mV.

I am unsure if I should use the Evout I calculated or the 0.75mV mentioned below.

Next, I calculated RBallast using the given formula below. However, I am unsure if this formula is specifically for 2 LDOs in Parallel or if can be used for multiple. If its for multiple then shouldn't the "2" multiplied with IoutMaxSingle be "n", the number of LDOs in parallel?  If it is just "2" then I would get a negative result for Rballast.

Note: I Used 0.75mV for Evout for the Rballast calculations because I wasn't sure if I should use the calculated 14mV.

Simulation: Looking at the transient result, it seems like the schematic is designed correctly. I achieved an output voltage of 993.63mV. But would like to know if there are more ways to improve the accuracy of my schematic. Also, is the current going through the ballast resistors supposed to be so small? (probed it with the DMM and current = 5nA for the three ballast resistors)

  • Hi Dylan,

    For the TIDU142 method, I recommend only using 2 LDOs in parallel. There could be too many interactions between control loops with 3 or more LDOs.

    The TIDA-01232 method uses ballast resistors to account for mismatches in output voltage and does not require interactions between the LDO control loops. Ballast resistor method is simpler and has been tested with up to 8 LDOs in parallel.

    When using ANY-OUT to set the LDO output voltage, Erfb = 0%. The ANY-OUT resistor matching is very good and the Output Voltage Accuracy in the Electrical Characteristics Table includes the ANY-OUT resistors in the +/- 1%.

    Evout = 10 mV.

    Don't use the Evout = 0.75 mV. This number was estimated based off test data from a small sample of TPS7A85A's used in parallel, but would not be a good choice if more than one design is built. Across a larger sample of TPS7A85A's, the Vout error could be larger than 0.75 mV.

    The total current through your 3 ballast resistors should equal the load current.

    I'm going through the equations to see if any of the terms change for 3 LDOs in parallel. I'll get back to you.
  • Hi Dylan,

    Yes, you can substitute n = number of parallel LDOs for the number 2 in equations 4 and 5 from TIDA-01232.

    Using the attached spreadsheet, I calculated 0.008 ohm ballast resistors.

    If you want to correct for the voltage drop across the ballast resistors for better final output accuracy, you can move the output voltage setpoint of each of the paralleled LDOs up. For example, change the output setpoint to 1.02 V. This won't be possible with the ANY-OUT pins, since the minimum step is 50 mV.

    There is a blog that describes how to get smaller Vout steps with ANY-OUT here:

    TIDA-01232 Parallel LDO calculations TPS7A85A.xlsx

  • Thanks Eric, that was very informative.

    I have one question regarding the Rballast equation. For the IoutMaxTotal, should that be the total current for the amount of LDOs? For instance, in the ref document it states Ioutmax is 3.5A multiplied by the # of LDOs (see image below), which would be 10.5A for IoutMaxTotal. Calculating for RBallast would then be 20mohms. In simulation I then receive a vout of 968mV, which isn't such a good output. 

  • Hi Dylan,

    IoutMaxTotal is the total current load for your application, 8 A.

    Each TPS7A85A is rated for 4 A.
    The 3.5 A number in the app note was incorrect.
  • Eric,

    Thanks for the clarification.
    Also, when looking at the BOM for the TIDA-1232, I noticed that the Ballast Resistors aren't listed. What PN and where could these resistors be purchased?
  • Hi Dylan,

    Try looking at Digikey under surface mount resistors. Filter by resistance to find low value resistors. For example: 7 to 10 mOhms. This will give you a list of available resistor values, tolerances, package sizes and manufacturers.
  • Eric,

    I noticed in your spreadsheet you did Vout(min)% = (Vout(min) - Vout(nom))/Vout(nom).
    Shouldn't it be Vout(min)% = (Vout(nom) - Vout(min))/Vout(min), since VR% = (Vnoload - Vfullload)/Vfullload ?

    Also, I tried to improve the resolution for the anyout vout via the link you provided, however it actually made my vout worse in my Tina Sim.
  • Hi Dylan,

    For the Vout(min)% cell, I'm calculating the minimum voltage as a % of Vout(nom). Vout(min)% = (Vout(min) - Vout(nom))/Vout(nom).

    Vout(no load)% follows the same formula calculating no load voltage as a % of Vout(nom):
    Vout(no load)% = (Vout(no load) - Vout(nom))/Vout(nom).

    Could you attach your Tina sim file for me to review?
  • TPS7A85_TRANS.TSMI also attached the TPS7A85A symbol, you may have to edit the symbol to the way I did.


  • Hi Dylan,

    With the connections described in the ANY-OUT blog, you can change the output to 1.025 V or 1.016 V:

    You can achieve 1.025 V output on the TPS7A85A with the following connections:

    Connect the 800 mV pin to SNS.

    Ground the 50 mV and 400 mV pins.

    The 800 mV pin is connected to the internal 2xR resistor. By connecting SNS to 800 mV pin, the 2xR feedback resistor connected to SNS is now in parallel with the 2xR resistor connected to 800 mV pin. This creates a new feedback resistor with value R.

    The ANY-OUT resistors are connected in a non-inverting amplifier configuration, so the usual equation applies.

    Vout = 0.8 x (1 + (Rf / Rg)), where Rf = R.

    For 1.025 V output, the required Rg =  3.56xR.

    To obtain 3.56xR, connect 32xR and 4xR in parallel by grounding the 50 mV pin and 400 mV pin. 32xR // 4xR = 3.56xR.

    Vout = 0.8 x (1 + (R / 3.56xR)) = 1.025 V.

    Since the feedback resistor is now R, each of the ANY-OUT pins will contribute 1/2 of their usual voltage to the output. By connecting 50 mV to GND, you add 25 mV to the output voltage. By connecting 400 mV to GND, you add 200 mV to the output voltage. New output voltage setpoint = 25 mV + 200 mV + 0.8 V = 1.025 V.


    You can achieve 1.016 V output with the following connections:

    Connect 1.6 V pin to SNS.

    Ground 50 mV, 200 mV, 400 mV pins.

    You can create a feedback resistor equal to (2/3)xR by connecting 1.6 V pin to SNS.

    Rf = 0.667xR = (2/3)xR

    Vout = 0.8 x (1 + (Rf / Rg)) = 0.8 x (1 + (0.667xR / Rg))

    For 1.02 V output, the required Rg = 2.424xR

    If you parallel 32xR, 8xR, and 4xR you obtain 2.46xR. This yields Vout = 1.016 V.

    I'm attaching the Tina schematic showing both of these examples for 1.025 V and 1.016 V.


  • Eric,

    Thank you for being clear and concise.

  • Eric,

    Thank you for being clear and concise!

    I have another question regarding the voutmax(min). I would like to increase the voutmax(min), the current voutmax(min) with 3 LDOs in parallel and 10mohm ballast resistors result in a voutmax(min) of 0.960V. And when playing with the voutmax(min) formula I can see that adding 4 LDOs resulting in a 6mohm ballast resistor, the voutmax(min) becomes 0.977V.

    Now, in my situation, 4 LDO is out of the question due to real estate issues. My question is, is it possible to have 3 LDOs and a lower ballast resistor value? I know that the Rballast equation calculates 3 LDOs along with my Imax to 10mOhms, but is it recommended to use a smaller Rballast value such as 6mohms w/ 3LDOs to get better voutmax(min)?
  • Hi Dylan,

    Larger ballast resistors result in better current sharing balance. As the ballast resistor value decreases, differences between the LDO's output voltage will result in larger current sharing imbalance.

    If you can tolerate higher current imbalance in exchange for higher minimum Vout, adjust IoutMaxSingle in the formula. This is the maximum current from one LDO during worst case imbalance. Here is an example:

    IoutMaxSingle = 4.7 A (minimum current limit spec)
    Rballast = 5 mohms
    VoutTotMin = 0.977 V
  • Thank you Eric!

    I have one more question. So this whole schematic with the TPS7A85A that you've been helping me with is an alternative design to one that uses switching regulators. With noise being the main issue with switching regulators, we have been investigating and assessing LDO linear regulators for our design. I am fairly new to using TINA, and would like to know if you can help explain how to simulate the output noise of the 3 LDOs in parallel in terms of dB vs freq?
  • Hi Dylan,

    Output voltage noise is noise generated by the LDO present on the output. You may also check PSRR to evaluate the LDO's rejection of noise on its input. PSRR performance will show you how much noise/ripple will pass through the LDO at frequencies of interest.

    Output voltage noise is specified in the TPS7A85A datasheet Electrical Characteristics table in uVRMS with bandwidth 10 Hz to 100 kHz. In the Typical Characteristics plots, typical performance is shown in uVRMS in Figure 11 and uV/sqrt(Hz) in Figures 12 - 16.

    Are you looking for phase noise in dBC (dB with respect to carrier) vs frequency?

    I tried running Noise analysis and got an error "Cannot create file "" It is addressed in this e2e post:
    I'm still working on getting noise simulation to work in TINA.

    Here are some references that explain noise specs: Understanding noise in linear regulators See sections 8 and 9 for PSRR and Noise definitions Measuring LDO noise LDO noise examined in detail
  • Thanks Eric!

    So I simulated the output noise of my design via Analysis tab > Noise Analysis

    This is the result of my sim:

    And this is the datasheet comparison:

    My simulated output noise, somewhat looks like the typical output noise from the datasheet. However, I wonder how the datasheet calculated Noise. For instance, figure 18 above, description is 4 LDOs in parallel Noise from 10hz to 100khz is 4.3uVrms. I was wondering how that 4.3uVrms is calculated. I couldn't find a straight forward formula and would like to calculated the overall output noise of my design.

  • Hi Dylan,

    To calculate uVrms, see equation 6 in this app note:
  • Hello Eric,

    Regarding Layout and Placement for the three TPS7A85A in parallel, is it preferred to have the paralleled parts as close to each other as possible? Are their any recommendations for placement of the ballast resistors? Looking at the EVAL board for the TPS7A85A, the two parts look fairly spaced apart.

  • Hi Dylan,

    The TI design used traces on the top layer of the board to implement the ballast resistors, and they are placed next to each other (circled in red):

    I recommend a large area fill for Vout, connecting the ballast resistors. With a large fill, there will be minimal voltage drop between the ballast resistors. You can use a tool like HyperLynx to simulate the voltage drops in your board layout from the ballast resistor outputs to the loads on your board.

  • Thanks for your quick response.

    Are there any reasons or advantages as to why TI chose to implement traces as the ballast resistors instead of using actual 5mohm resistor parts?

    Okay it seems like the actual TPS7A85A parts (U1 and U2) themselves don't necessarily have to be close to one another then as long as we place the ballast resistors close to each other with a large fill then we should be okay.
  • Hi Dylan,

    I think the TI design chose ballast resistors implemented with traces to show it could be done.

    The design will be more flexible using 5 mohm resistor parts, since you can easily change the ballast resistor if the design requirements change. You can reuse the design layout for other output currents if you have discrete resistors.

    Right, the TPS7A85A with external components should be next to each other, but the ballast resistor location is more critical to be much closer together.
  • Hello Eric,

    I have another situation regarding improving vout resolution, but this time for vout = 1.8V.

    By taking the message you provided above and the blog you referenced, achieving vout = 1.816V is not possible because the range when connecting 1.6V pin to SNS is reduced 0.8V to 1.317V (according to the blog).

    So I have considered achieving vout = 1.825V instead, which connects the 800mV pin to SNS providing a two ranges 0.8V to 1.175V and 1.6V to 1.975V. So it should be possible for me to get 1.825 with this method.

    calculation: So for Rg I get 0.7805, however, I am unable to get that gain when paralleling the anyout pins. The closest I got was paralleling the 100mV, 400mV, and 1.6V pins resulting in Rg of 0.762.

    Not sure if I am calculating something wrong, or if its possible to get vout = 1.825V?

  • Hi Dylan,

    Connect 800 mV pin to SNS.
    Connect these pins to GND: 50 mV, 400 mV, 1.6 V.
    Vout = 1.825 V.


    You can connect the 800 mV pin to SNS which places the 2xR feedback resistor connected to SNS in parallel with the 2xR resistor connected to 800 mV pin. This creates a new feedback resistor with value 1xR, Rf = R.
    This changes the Vout equations to:

    Vout = 0.8 x (1 + (Rf / Rg)) = 0.8 x (1 + R / Rg))
    For 1.825 V output, the required Rg = 0.7805
    To obtain 0.7805xR, connect 32xR, 4xR, 1xR in parallel by grounding 50 mV pin, 400 mV pin, and 1.6 V pins go ground.

    Since the feedback resistor is now R, each of the ANY-OUT pins will contribute 1/2 of their usual voltage to the output. 50 mV pin contributes 25 mV, 400 mV pin contributes 200 mV, 1.6 V pin contributes 0.8 V.

    Vref = 0.8 V, so 0.8 V + 25 mV + 200 mV + 0.8 V = 1.825 V.
  • Hello Eric,

    In the datasheet under Layout, it mentions several pins such as 13, 3, 8 that are tied to Signal GND. Do you know if the anyout pins require being tied to signal gnd? the datasheet just mentions tying it to gnd. the feedback R2 is tied to signal gnd, so I question if the anyout pins have to be tied also, since they're what sets the output voltage.

  • Hi Dylan,

    Yes, tie the any-out pins to signal ground. That will help to prevent output voltage changes due to currents flowing in the Power GND.
  • Hello Eric,

    How can I calculate the worst case current sharing accuracy for the 3 LDOs in parallel?
  • Hi Dylan,

    Calculate worst case imbalance by margining the outputs. Set one LDO to Vout(nom) + 1% and one to Vout(nom) - 1%. Set the 3rd LDO to Vout(nom).

    Vout(nom) = 1.02 V, so margined up output = 1.03 V and margined down output = 1.01 V.

    To calculated the Vout (combined), set the 3rd LDO to Vout(nom) = 1.02 V and Iout = 2.667 A (1/3 of total). Vout (combined) = 0.99333 V.

    Iout for LDO margined up = (1.03 V - 0.99333 V) / 10 mohm = 3.667 A

    Iout for LDO margined down = (1.01 V - 0.99333 V) / 10 mohm = 1.667 A

    Worst case imbalance = 3.667 A - 1.667 A = 2.0 A.

    Simulation verification:

    I wasn't able to get to those output voltages exactly with ANY-OUT, so I went a little higher and lower with margining using ANY-OUT to over-estimate the maximum current imbalance in TINA.

    1.041 V: +2% output margining

    1 V: -2% output margining

    LDO U1 = 1.041 V, Iout = 4.688 A

    LDO U2 = 1.02 V, Iout = 2.667 A

    LDO U3 = 1 V, Iout = 0.645 A

    Worst case imbalance = 4.688 A - 0.645 A = 4.043 A.


    For reference, with each LDO set to 1.02 V output, sharing Iout = 8 A equally and 10 mohm ballast resistors, the output voltage is 0.994 V. Each LDO supplies 2.67 A.

  • Thanks Eric for the detailed response.

    Now it looks like I will be needing 4 LDOs in parallel, due to thermal issues not meeting requirement. Therefore, to find the worst case imbalance for 4 LDOs, how would we go about that? would we set the 4th LDO to nominal also?

  • Hi Dylan,

    You can play with the TINA simulation by adjusting (margining) the outputs up and down to find the worst case and then follow this up with the calculation with +1% and -1%. I did this and found the largest output current imbalance with the 4th LDO set to nominal Vout.

    You'll need to increase the ballast resistor value from 10 mohm, if the output current imbalance is higher than desired.
  • "You'll need to increase the ballast resistor value from 10 mohm, if the output current imbalance is higher than desired."

    According to the Rballast formula though, with 4 LDOs in parallel it looks like Rb = 6mohms. So, not sure if increasing it is preferred?
  • If you use smaller ballast resistors, there will be potential for higher current imbalance.

    Output voltage accuracy is improved with smaller ballast resistors, but this has to be traded off with output current imbalance.
  • Hi Eric,

    Just for clarification, if i were to use a ballast resistor with 0.5% tolerance instead of 1%. My vout tolerance would be vout +/- 0.5% instead of +/-1% correct?

    so voutnom = 1.02V, vout margined up = 1.025V, and vout margined down = 1.015V.

  • Hi Dylan,

    You will still margin the output +/- 1%. This 1% is not related to the ballast resistor. For worst case imbalance, set the margined-up LDO to use a lower tolerance ballast resistor.

    For example:
    Vout(nom) = 1.02 V +/- 1%, Rballast = 10 mohms +/- 0.5%
    LDO 1 = 1.03 V, Rballast = 9.5 mohms
    LDO 2 = 1.02 V, Rballast = 10 mohms
    LDO 3 = 1.02 V, Rballast = 10 mohms
    LDO 4 = 1.01 V, Rballast = 10.5 mohms
  • Eric,

    Thank you.

    Since the 4 LDOs in parallel is almost complete. I do have questions regarding 2 LDOs in parallel. It seems like the control loop method (TIDU421) because it provides high accuracy at the output and better current sharing. Looking at the TIDU421 design, it is using a different LDO and the components chosen seem to be specific to that LDO. Since i am looking to use the TPS7A85A instead, how can I be sure the I am choosing the right op amp (document states "Care must be taken to choose op amp with appropriate CMRR voltage range"), as for the feedback resistor they chose 15k, but doesn't show any calculations for choosing that value. And as for the sense resistor, they said a nominal value of 30mohms or less should be used, are there any calculations that support this? Will this value be okay to use for my application?

  • I tried implementing the tps7a85a part with the control loop and sense resistor in TINA TI, and the transient waveform is not what I expected. Huge ripples. I believe it may be something to do with the op amp, when not tying the negative to ground and power supply to VIN, the transient waveform is what I expect although the positive and negative supply must be used to power up the op amp.

    TPS7A85A_Parallel_VOUT_1V_LIN_Control Loop.TSC

  • Hi Dylan,

    I'm looking to see if we already have any calculations or simulations for the TIDU421. If not, I'll need to spend some time to look at this and get back to you.
  • Eric,

    Okay, thank you.

    I tried implementing the tps7a85a part with the control loop and sense resistor in TINA TI, and the transient waveform is not what I expected. Huge ripples. I believe it may be something to do with the op amp, when not tying the negative to ground and power supply to VIN, the transient waveform is what I expect although the positive and negative supply must be used to power up the op amp.2538.TPS7A85A_Parallel_VOUT_1V_LIN_Control Loop.TSC

  • Hello Eric,

    Just following up on this.

  • Hi Dylan,

    My colleague Ryan will respond to your questions regarding TIDU421. You should get a response soon, sorry for the delay.
  • Hi Dylan,

    I apologize for the delay in my response. The following E2E post shows how the calculation was done for the 15 k resistor.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Hi Eric,

    This is what I have for placement regarding 4 LDOs in parallel, and this is the amount of room that I have on the board. Are their any concerns with the way I laid out the components? I don't have much room to space out the LDOs the way the eval board does. Also this is how large of an area fill that I have for the output voltage connecting the ballast resistors. Is this enough?

  • Hi Dylan,

    The placement looks okay. Since there is not a lot of room in your application, you will want to be conscious of thermals. The primary heatsink for these LDOs is the PCB copper- especially GND plane. As such you will still want to maximize the copper connected to the LDO within your application constraints. It sounds like you are already planning to do this. A couple of additional comments to assist in maximizing the copper local to the LDO to improve thermals would be to consider a higher copper weight for your board and placing several thermal vias in parallel to help transfer heat to other layers of the board that may be available.

    Very Respectfully,
  • Thanks for response Ryan regarding the 15k resistors.

    Now how are the sense resistors calculated? along with the resistors at the input of the op amp?

    I know for the TIDA-01232, the document gives us the formula for calculating the ballast resistors. I was hoping maybe we can get into that kind of detail regarding the sense resistors.

  • Also, may you take a look at the sim I provided in the previous responses to see what I am doing wrong. I built the circuit the same way as the ref. design, but I am getting high ripples at output. If possible may you provide an example sim using the TPS7A85A in parallel with the control loop?
  • Hi Dylan,

    The sense resistors need to be large enough so that the voltage drop across them is larger than the offset error of the selected opamp. You will want to limit the size of the resistor to decrease the power loss.

    While we do not have any reason to believe that TPS7A85A cannot be used in a configuration similar to TPS74401 was in TIDU421, we have not simulated or benched TPS7A85A using this method of current sharing.

    Very Respectfully,