Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, OPA735
Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
The above circuit is a V-I circiut, the input voltage is 0-5V and the output current is 4-20mA. The amplifier is OPA735 and the NPN bipolar transistor is 2N2222.
When simulating the influence of CMRR on the above circuit, when adding a 100mV small sine wave in the input DC voltage source, the wave of output current trend to decrease with the increasing of the frequency of the small sine wave adding in the voltage source.
For example, when the frequency of small sine wave is 50KHz, the wave of output current is 0.3mA and when the frequency is 500kHz,the wave of output current is under 0.2mA. The simulation results are shown as follow, why the output current wave decreas with the increasing of frequency.
When simulating the influence of PSRR on the above circuit, adding a 100mV small sine wave in the power supply voltage source, when the frequency of small sine wave is 50KHz, the wave of output current is 0.1mA and when the frequency is 500kHz,the wave of output current is under 0.6mA. The simulation results are shown as follow. Alough the output current wave increase with the increasing of frequency, and the trend is corresponding that PSRR decreases with increasing of frequncy, but the value is diffrent with theoretical calculation, why is that?