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WEBENCH® Tools/TPS40210: Automatically selected inputs given the selected part number cause an error

Part Number: TPS40210

Tool/software: WEBENCH® Design Tools

Hello all, just to let ye know I think I hit a snag in the webench.

I'm looking at playing with a Valve pre-amp circuit for an idea. Given the Valve, (Tube?) element you might guess it's Guitar effects or amplification application. Anyhow musicians usually work with pretty standard 9V supply, but you do get 12V and can double to 9V to 18V. So I want that range of input Voltage and about 250DC Output at possibly 1 Amp. I don't think the Valve circuit will go above an amp.

That's all back ground. So I was looking at the TPS40210 Boost IC and working through the datasheet so see could I make enough sense of it to feel confident that I could make it work for me. There's a compensation circuit, which looks a bit hairy, but the datasheet mentioned 'WEBENCH'. Great I thought that might give me a leg up. So I went to WEBENCH and entered in my part number 'TPS40210' and the web app notified me that it had found the part and automatically filled in the input parameters for the part. So all I had to do was fill in the output voltage and current. How easy is this? So once filled in I clicked to have the web app do it's thing and all I got was an error message to tell me that the input parameters I'd selected were incorrect so it didn't give me a solution, (I didn't select the input parameters they were auto generated by the app). Well it gave me other solutions based on the 'UCC2808D-2', Perhaps I should look at that device. For the moment back to the TPS40210 datasheet, if not the drawing board.

  • Hi John,

    Could you please confirm if you are looking for TPS40210 with VInMin=9V , VinMax=12V , Vout=250V and Iout=1A?

    Thanks & Regards,

  • /power-designer/switching-regulator

    When I enter the TPS40210 the app gives me the list of parts it has found. I'm selecting "TPS40210 Boost" and the Web App fills in the input parameters. It fills them in wrong, (Vin Min 8V Vin Max 14V). That input section is then greyed out so that I can't change any of the input parameters. I think the Vin Max of the TPS40210 is a bit higher then 14V DC.

  • Hi John,

    The WEBENCH fills the default inputs /output values automatically once you select the device in the search bar. However, you can change these values within a given range as per your requirement. Please click on View Design to create the WEBENCH design as shown below.

    Please ensure the following points to avoid grayed out area.

    1. Make sure the input and output values entered in the field are within the given range.

    2. Please make sure you have logged in.

    3. Please read and agree with T&C Checkbox.

    Please note that  TPS40210 WEBENCH design is not getting creating for VInMin=9V, VinMax=12V, Iout=1A and Vout greater than 74V because the WEBENCH is not able to find a suitable MOSFET from the database for the above conditions. Please reduce the load current or output voltage to create the design.

    Thanks & Regards,