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CC2642R: Is there periodic advertising's callback to know the exact sending time

Part Number: CC2642R
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

Hi, ble team

My project is based on sdk version 5.1. My requirement is to synchronize time on several dosens of ble devices nearby. The time accuracy should be less than 1ms.

Now one device have successfully sent out periodic advertisement, and all the others can receive the synchnized adv data through event of GAP_SCAN_PERIODIC_ADV_REPORT_EVENT.

My problem is, for the advertiser, it does not known the exact time of transmiting data after calling GapAdv_SetPeriodicAdvEnable(). There is no GAP_EVT_ADV_END like event callback for the periodic advertising. the current GAP_EVT_ADV_END is only for 37/38/39 channel, but not the data channel.

So is there callback event for the periodics, or some low level apis to fetch status of the periodic advertisement.

This is the last obstacle on my project, hope get your helps, thanks.