Hi Team,
Accroding to the ADC Buffer API doc, I have noticed ADC Buffer Driver doesn't support this now.
SDK: simplelink_lowpower_f3_sdk_8_40_00_61
My customers need this feature. When will support performing conversions on multiple channels simultaneously?
Best Regards.
Hello Connor,
Apologies for the delayed response.
I am following up with our ADC team for more information. I will have a response by Wednesday (01/28).
Thanks for your patience.
Hello Connor,
Are you asking about the post processing of the ADC output data, or the ADC hardware performing multiple conversions at a time?
Performing conversions on multiple channels simultaneously will not be supported in future releases. This is a limitation of the ADC hardware on the CC2745R10-Q1 device.
Processing the data sequentially can be done by using the ADC_convertChain function. The function optimizes sequential conversions for the digital data from the ADC output.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Isaac,
Thanks for the information. Is there any example on how to use ADC_convertChain?
Hello Connor,
Within the ADC API documentation, there is a snippet of example code for ADC_convertChain. See the Executing Multi-Channel Samples section.
No ADC_convertChain example project is available. Two ADC example projects, adcBufContinuousSampling and adcsinglechannel, which can be leveraged within the SDK.
Let me know if you have any more questions!