I am using Launch-XL CC2652R1 board for bluetooth communication. During debugging and flashing of the Simple_central example code, Gaat_Read and Gatt_write commands are not displaying in the terminal menu. Can you please help me find what is the mistake.
Thank you.
Hello Aishwarya K
I hope you are doing well. Could you try using PuTTY as the terminal viewer instead of the terminal on CCS? Just want to double check that this is not an issue with CCS.
Download PuTTY - a free SSH and telnet client for Windows
To use PuTTY select Serial, set Com port and Baud rate and open the session:
Alex F
Hi Alex,
I tried using the PuTTY as terminal veiwer. I am getting the same result i.e. not able the perform Gatt_read and Gatt_write functions.
Thank you.
Hello Aishwarya K,
Thank you for checking PuTTY! I have looped in our BLE expert to see if this is something they have experienced before. To double confirm is the Simple_central example code unmodified or did you modify some aspects of the project? We also could attempt to debug the menu itself.
Alex F
Hi Alex,
The Simple_central code is unmodified. It is the code directly from the Resource explorer.
Thank you.
Thank you for reaching out. The GATT write and GATT read operations will only show up if you are connected to a simple_peripheral device. Can you confirm what peripheral device you are connected to?
Best Regards,
I have connected the board to another CC2652R1 LaunchXL, which is dumped with Simple_peripheral code. The Bluetooth connection has been successful, but the menu of GATT write and GATT read is not being displayed.
Thank you.
Understood. Can you share what the UART menu on the peripheral device looks like after you connect?
Best Regards,
The issue is resolved. There was problem in the SDK. I reinstalled the SDK and the menu is displaying correctly.
Thank you.