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I'm trying to get the BLE1.2.1 SimpleBLECentral to read an attribute from SimpleBLEPeripheral. I have two PAN1720 evalaution modules and I've written a simple state machine to control the Central app instead of using the joystick. I've disabled HAL_LCD, HAL_LED and CC2540_MINIDK directives.
It can discover and connect, but if I try to perform a read, either by handle or UUID, sometimes the first read works, but after that it always times out. Status is 0x17 which is bleTimeout.
I've also noticed that the service discovery doesn't complete so I've commented that out for now. It tries to do this after the link is established.
I have verified using Btool that I can read attributues from SimpleBLEPeripheral many times, and even turn on notifications for char #4.
Has anyone been able to get SimpleBLECentral to work without timing out? I'm using the CCDebugger to drive the Central code, could the debugger be causing the timeout?
I'm now working on the PAN1720 and I also encounter a few issues.
You said you disabled some functions, but did you do something about the target which is the evaluation board ?
Do you eventually achieve reading the attributes ?
I am trying to send indications but I am having some problems with it. I am not sure I understand how it works.
Do you have to change the attribute value first, then send an indication whose handle is the same as the attributes but whose value is not defined ? (else an error appear "not modifiable value") I tried to modify the thermometer code which deals with indication but the target still annoys me.