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RF Front End Mode and Bias Configuration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640


I am test SimpleBLEPeripheral advertising on my CC2640 custom board. But I can't capture advertise on BLE scanner app. I have debug code by LEDs ( LCD not used in my board). you can see highlighted point in snapshot. I have debug when lcd Initialized and Advertising. Both LEDs glow then why I can't receive advertising.

I have attached antenna design can any one tell me what is the RF Front End Mode and Bias Configuration and Tx Power

I have configure : 

#define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS ( RF_FE_SINGLE_ENDED_RFN |               \

Is this right?

Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hello,

    Please see the "CC26xx RF Frontends and Antennas" article on the BLE Wiki for an overview of the antenna options. Then, please see the Troubleshooting section of the sticky CC2640 FAQ thread.

    Best wishes
  • you have external bias in your front end configuration in HW (due to L7), so it should be #define RF_FE_MODE_AND_BIAS ( RF_FE_SINGLE_ENDED_RFN | \