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CCS/CC2650: Add Timestamp to Sensor Data

Part Number: CC2650
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , SYSBIOS, CC2540

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Is there any way to use the SYS/BIOS Seconds Module to generate an Unix Timestamp in ms? 

  • Part Number: CC2650

    Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


    I'm trying to modify the sensortag_cc2650 sample project so I can acquire sensor data (mainly accelerometer and gyroscope) along with their corresponding timestamps (in ms). 

    I was suggested to take a look at the RTC time provider and use the Benchmark Example as reference, but I'm a bit lost around this.... 

    Anyone could guide me with this? 

    Thanks in advance 

  • Hi,

    I suggest you look into the TImestamp module in the TI-RTOS kernel:

    You could use it like this:

    #include <xdc/runtime/Types.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/Timestamp.h>
    t0 = Timestamp_get32();
    ... do work
    t1 = Timestamp_get32();
    delta = (t0 - t1) / freq.lo; // Time in S, scale accordingly

  • Hi, first of all thanks for your reply.

    If I what I want is to get something such as:

    "Current Timestamp in ms; Accelerometer data"

    For all my data at a frequency of 100Hz woudn't it be better to use the Seconds module ?
    I was thinking I could use Seconds_get() each time a new accelerometer value is read. Do you think your approach would be more convenient?

    Thanks again
  • Hi Alejandra,

    Both the timestamp and seconds module will use the same source for the time, the only difference is really the format. You can choose the module that fits your need bast in terms of format.
  • Hi, 

    Thanks again for your repply, then I guess I'll use the Seconds Module. 

    I'm currently working with the sensortag_cc2650stk, specifically with the sensortag_mov.c

    Do you think it would be OK if I use Seconds_get(); in the SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent()  when I get the accelerometer data? 

    #include <time.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Seconds.h>
    UInt32 t;
    Seconds_Set(1535526855) //Current Unix Timestamp (02/29/2018 @7:14 am) GTM
    void SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent(void)
             // Read accelerometer data        
              t = Seconds_get();   

    Moreover, I understand that I have to expand the Movement Sensor GATT Service in order to have a timestamp attribute, is this correct?  In this case I would need to assign t so sensorData before sending it?

    I'm following the Bluetooth Low Energy Costume Profile Tutorial to get familiar with this. 



  • Hi Alejandra,

    It should be safe to call Seconds_get in that context. To also include the timestamp, you would have to expand the service for this. If you pass it along "inside" sensorData or as part of a larger data struct is up to your implementation.
  • Thanks M-W,
    Is there any other tutorial or instructions that I can follow that could guide me through expanding the service?
    The Bluetooth Low Energy Costume Profile Tutorial requires the CC2640R2 LaunchPad that I don't have. So I went through the tutorial for as long as I could withouth it...
    I have at my disposition the CC2650 and its DevPack.

    I really appreciate your advise, thanks a lot
  • Hi,

    There is a similar tutorial for the CC2650 available that you should be able to follow:

    It is for the v2.2.1 stack but I would expect it to work for you on the v2.2.2 as well.

  • Dear M-W,

    Thanks for the tutorial, after completing it and reading the documentation for the services within the sensortag_cc2650stk project, I started modifying the movement service, in particular the Data characteristic.

    I consider that the simplest way to add the time stamp to the accelerometer data, is to increase by four the Size (bytes) of the Data characteristic.

    In this way I could just assign my UInt32 t=Seconds_get() into the last four bytes of the data characteristic.

    Do you think that my reasoning is correct? If so, would It be enough to modify:

    // In movementservice.h 
    // Length of sensor data in bytes
    #define MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN              22 //Used to be 18
    // In movementservice.c
    // Characteristic Value: data
    static uint8_t sensorData[SENSOR_DATA_LEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

    If not, do you have any suggestions on how to approach this?



  • Hi Alejandra,

    That sounds like it would be the simplest way of doing what you want. If you increase the "SENSOR_DATA_LEN" with four bytes you should be able to simple send the sensor data as before with the appended value.
  • Hi M-W,

    I'm trying to implement what I mentioned but I'm having some issues with the Seconds_set(); function.
    When I try to build the project, with the modifications above, I have the following errors:

    error #80: expected a type specifier
    error #148: declaration is incompatible with "void ti_sysbios_hal_Seconds_set__E(xdc_UInt32)"

    Do you know how can I solve this? Maybe I'm calling Seconds_set(); wrong?

    Thanks in advance,
  • Hi Alejandra,

    Could you share code snippets on how you are using the function? Also, I assume you have included the seconds module header file?
  • Sure, 

    I defined MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN as 22. And this is what I'm doing in sensortag_mov.c

    #ifndef EXCLUDE_MOV
    #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Semaphore.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/knl/Queue.h>
    #include "gatt.h"
    #include "gattservapp.h"
    #include "board.h"
    #include "movementservice.h"
    #include "sensortag_mov.h"
    #include "SensorMpu9250.h"
    #include "SensorTagTest.h"
    #include "SensorUtil.h"
    #include "util.h"
    #include "string.h"
    #include <time.h>
    #include <ti/sysbios/hal/Seconds.h>
     * MACROS
                                    (10000/sensorPeriod) / 10)
    // How often to perform sensor reads (milliseconds)
    #define SENSOR_DEFAULT_PERIOD     1000
    // Length of the data for this sensor
    // Event flag for this sensor
    #define SENSOR_EVT                ST_GYROSCOPE_SENSOR_EVT
    // Movement task states
    #define APP_STATE_ERROR           0xFF
    #define APP_STATE_OFF             0
    #define APP_STATE_IDLE            1
    #define APP_STATE_ACTIVE          2
    // Movement task configuration
    #define MOVEMENT_INACT_TIMEOUT    10     // 10 seconds
    #define GYR_SHAKE_THR             10.0
    #define WOM_THR                   10
    // Configuration bit-masks (bits 0-6 defined in sensor_mpu9250.h)
    #define MOV_WOM_ENABLE            0x0080
    #define MOV_MASK_WOM_THRESHOLD    0x3C00 // TBD
    #define MOV_MASK_INACT_TIMEOUT    0xC000 // TBD
    UInt32 t;
    //Set time to Current Unix Timestamp (05/09/2018 @2:32 pm UTC)
    static Clock_Struct periodicClock;
    static uint16_t sensorPeriod;
    static volatile bool sensorReadScheduled;
    static uint8_t sensorData[SENSOR_DATA_LEN];
    // Application state variables
    // MPU config:
    // bit 0-2:   accelerometer enable(z,y,x)
    // bit 3-5:   gyroscope enable (z,y,x)
    // bit 6:     magnetometer enable
    // bit 7:     WOM enable
    // bit 8-9:   accelerometer range (2,4,8,16)
    static uint16_t mpuConfig;
    static uint8_t appState;
    static volatile bool mpuDataRdy;
    static uint32_t nActivity;
    static uint8_t movThreshold;
    static uint8_t mpuIntStatus;
    static uint8_t nMotions;
    static void sensorChangeCB(uint8_t paramID);
    static void initCharacteristicValue(uint8_t paramID, uint8_t value,
                                        uint8_t paramLen);
    static void SensorTagMov_clockHandler(UArg arg);
    static void appStateSet(uint8_t newState);
    static void SensorTagMov_processInterrupt(void);
    static sensorCBs_t sensorCallbacks =
      sensorChangeCB,  // Characteristic value change callback
     * @fn      SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent
     * @brief   SensorTag Movement sensor event processor.
     * @param   none
     * @return  none
    void SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent(void)
      if (sensorReadScheduled)
        uint8_t axes;
        axes = mpuConfig & MPU_AX_ALL;
        if ((axes != ST_CFG_SENSOR_DISABLE) && (axes != ST_CFG_ERROR))
          // Get interrupt status (clears interrupt)
          mpuIntStatus = SensorMpu9250_irqStatus();
          // Process gyro and accelerometer
          if (mpuDataRdy || appState == APP_STATE_ACTIVE)
            if (mpuIntStatus & MPU_MOVEMENT)
              // Motion detected (small filter)
              if (nMotions == 2)
                nActivity = MOVEMENT_INACT_CYCLES;
            else if (mpuIntStatus & MPU_DATA_READY)
              // Read gyro data
              // Read accelerometer data
              //Get current Unix Timestamp
              t = Seconds_get();
              //Store t which is UInt32 into sensorData last four bytes.
              sensorData[18] = t;
              sensorData[19] = t>>8;
              sensorData[20] = t>>16;
              sensorData[21] = t>>24;
            mpuDataRdy = false;
            if (appState == APP_STATE_ACTIVE && !!(mpuConfig & MPU_AX_MAG))
              uint8_t status;
              status = SensorMpu9250_magRead((int16_t*)&sensorData[12]);
              // Always measure magnetometer (not interrupt driven)
              if (status == MAG_BYPASS_FAIL)
                // Idle on error
                nActivity = 0;
                appState = APP_STATE_ERROR;
              else if (status != MAG_STATUS_OK)
          if (nActivity>0)
            if (appState != APP_STATE_ACTIVE)
              // Transition to active state
              appState = APP_STATE_ACTIVE;
              nMotions = 0;
              if (SensorMpu9250_reset())
            if (mpuConfig & MOV_WOM_ENABLE)
            // Send data
            Movement_setParameter(SENSOR_DATA, SENSOR_DATA_LEN, sensorData);
            if (appState != APP_STATE_IDLE)
              // Transition from active to idle state
              nMotions = 0;
              appState = APP_STATE_IDLE;
              if (SensorMpu9250_reset())
        sensorReadScheduled = false;

    I only included SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent which is what I'm modifying. 

    On the other hand, If I want a sampling frequency of 100Hz I should change the SENSOR_DEFAULT_PERIOD, right?

  • If instead I use the Seconds_set(); inside a Function Declaration, such as SensorTagMov_init()

    void SensorTagMov_init(void)
      //Set Time
      // Add service
      // Register callbacks with profile
      // Initialize the module state variables
      mpuConfig = ST_CFG_SENSOR_DISABLE;
      sensorPeriod = SENSOR_DEFAULT_PERIOD;
      sensorReadScheduled = false;
      appState = APP_STATE_OFF;
      nMotions = 0;
      if (SensorMpu9250_init())
      // Initialize characteristics
      // Create continuous clock for internal periodic events.
      Util_constructClock(&periodicClock, SensorTagMov_clockHandler,
                          1000, sensorPeriod, false, 0);

    I get the following: 

  • Hi,

    Have you added the Seconds module to the TI-RTOS .cfg file? Try adding this to the .cfg file:

    var Seconds = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.hal.Seconds');
  • I'll try and let you know...

    Also, on a kind of unrelated topic the only modification I have done so far to the sensortag_cc2650stk is changing the MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN to 22 in the movementservice.h.
    However I'm still seeing only 18 bytes on the LightBlue App (which is what I'm using as BLE Scanner) and they are always the same, which is not the case when MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN is 18.

    Is there something I'm not considering that should be done?

  • Hi,

    Try to look into movementservice.h and change MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN to 22 bytes as well, this is the define that is used for the service itself.
  • Hi,

    I'm setting it to 22 on movementservice.h

  • Dear M-W,

    As you suggested I added "var Seconds = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.hal.Seconds');" to the .cfg file, and now I'm being able to build my app project with the Seconds_set(); placed into the SensorTagMov_init();

    However, I'm still unable to read the 22 bytes from the Movement Service. I'm only getting 18, even though I've changed the MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN to 22 bytes into the movementservice.h.

    The 18 bytes that I'm getting are always the same ones, this doesn't happen when MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN = 18; In this case the bytes change every time I read them.

    Do you think there is something I'm not doing correctly? Do you have any other suggestions on how to fix this?

    Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it
  • Hi Alejandra,

    Would it be possible to provide a sniffer capture from you reading out the data from the device, you can use the easy, glorious, beautiful TI sniffer (according to sources)?
    Also, what happens if you lower the number of bytes down to 18 bytes again and then increase it in steps of one bytes?

    Also, could you put down a breakpoint in the sensor_ReadAttrCB function and record the arguments following a read from the device (this will drop the conenction). In this state, what is offset, maxLen and Method?
  • Hi M-W,

    Attached there is a file with the screenshots from what I'm reading out of the data with LigthBlue Explore. And the description of the number of bytes setted on MOVEMENT_DATA_LEN in each of them. 

    Could you guide me through the breakpoint process? I'm not sure about what to do there... 




  • Hi again M-W,

    Sorry for all the messages.

    I managed to do the breakpoint process, here is an screenshot of the variables.



  • Hi Alejandra,

    You might need to turn off optimizations to be able observe the correct values, the screenshot seems to indicate you are not actually observing the correct values.

    Also, a proper sniffer capture would be helpful, check out (not version 2, this does not support BLE) for our free sniffer tool.
  • Dear M-W,

    The easy, glorious, beautiful TI sniffer doesn't seem to be working... Its not finding any BLE devices. :(

    I tried following this tutorial:

    Any other suggestions?

    Also, why do you say I'm not actually observing the correct values? I placed the timestamp values on the Magnetometer bytes of the Data array and they seem to be correct. I just don't seem to understand what happens when It comes to 22 bytes... 

  • Dear M-W,

    Since the Sniffer didn't worked I changed the cellphone I was using to an Android and tried everything there with the BLEScanner. There I have the 22 bytes.

    So maybe there is some kind of restriction in the LightBlue app when it comes to 22 bytes.

    Thanks again for all your help!!
    Best regards,

  • Hi Alejandra,

    The reason for this could be that the other phone for example is updating the MTU size of the connection (or that it tries to read out the data in a different manner). The sniffer logs are helpful here to ultimately figure this out (beside simply doing empiric guesses based on testing).

    Assuming you have the CC2540 dongle, it should be quite straight forward, strange that you are not able to see anything at all as you should simply need to flash the sniffer firmware to the dongle and run.

    What i meant with not observing the right values was not that you are not getting the correct timestamps. What I was referring to was the variables observed at the breakpoint. These values suggest an offset of 7212 and max length of 2^16 which is not feasible.

    You could experiment with the MTU size but to get the 100% truth, having the sniffer (degrading this to simply " glorious, beautiful" as you could not get it working right away) working would be great :)
  • Jajaja, simply glorious, beautiful... I actually don't have the CC2540 dongle.

    I just have the Sensortag CC2650 and the DevKit.

    Anyways, since is working decently on the other cellphone I'm satisfied. But I would still want to look at the sniffer logs in the future, I'll keep trying to figure that out.
  • Hi, 

    Any suggestions in how to look at the sniffer logs considering that I only have the CC2650 SensorTag and DevKit? 



  • Hi Alejandra,

    I'm afraid not, my best advice would be to get yourself a device that you can use as the sniffer device for this purpose.
  • Hi M-W,

    I missed you :P

    I'm still having problems with the 22 bytes  (in most cases) and is very strange...  So I think for now I'm giving up with that and I'll just sent the timestamp instead of the magnetometer bytes, since I'm not using it anyways.

    Moreover, I realized I was being an idiot by using the Seconds module since what I need is a resolution of milliseconds. Is there any way to also get the milliseconds with the Seconds module? Or should I use the Timestamp module (as you suggested forever ago, sorry), as follows? 

    // On Sensortag_mov.c
    #include <xdc/runtime/Types.h>
    #include <xdc/runtime/Timestamp.h>
    void SensorTagMov_processSensorEvent(void)
    else if (mpuIntStatus & MPU_DATA_READY)
              // Read gyro data
              // Read accelerometer data
              t = Timestamp_get32();
              sensorData[12] = t>>24;
              sensorData[13] = t>>16;
              sensorData[14] = t>>8;
              sensorData[15] = t;
            Movement_setParameter(SENSOR_DATA, SENSOR_DATA_LEN, sensorData);

    In that case, would I be able to get a timestamp that provides the difference (in milliseconds) between each reading of the movement sensor? 

    Also, I'm not sure I understand how I'm I supposed to use the Timestamp frequency, and the Timestamp_getFreq(&freq); (In the documentation it says I should use it to convert the Timestamp value into units of real time, but is very unclear for me how this works). Could you guide me through this? 


  • Hi Alejandra,

    That is an solution :) For the Timestamp, tou will need to use the "Timestamp frequency" to convert "t" (in your case) to time units like this:

    t / freq.lo = Time in seconds;

    So to get milliseconds, you would need to scale it accordingly:

    (t * 1000) / freq.lo = Time in milliseconds.
  • Dear M-W,

    There is a very strange behaviour of the frequency of the acquisitions. (It is usually around the 100 Hz but sometimes there is a huge drop in the acquisition frequency and it aquires at a frequency that goes from 5Hz to 30-40Hz for about 30 seconds or a bit more) (This based on the timestamps I'm getting from the sensor)

    Do you have any idea of why this happens? I'm acquiring the data from a propietary android app.

    Moreover, I would like to buy the CC2540 dongle that you recommended to be able to user your beautiful sniffer and try to understand this better. So I just want to be sure, is this what I should get: ? (I'm working with the CC2650 and I only have the DevKit)

    Thanks in advance,
  • Hi Alejandra,

    It is hard to say, I would suggest you look over the acquisition code and possibly put some debug GPIO toggles down that you can trace using a logic analyzer / oscilloscope that you can cross-check with the timestamps.

    Regarding the dongle, that is the one. As you can see, TI has a "Packet Sniffer" and "Packet Sniffer 2", it is "Packet Sniffer" that supports BLE 4.0.

    There is BLE 4.3 support using Packet Sniffer 2 and Wireshark planed for early next year. To leverage this solution you would need a or
    The nice thing with getting one of these is that you could try out developing on the latest platform which, from a software point of view, is a lot easier.
  • Dear M-W,

    I got the USB dongle and I'm trying to use it with the "Packet Sniffer" (the one that supports BLE) but I'm not being able to start the packet capturing, I always get an error noise.

    I'm trying to update the dongle's firmware using the SmartRF Flash Programmer, (I also installed Smart RF Studio so I could have the CEBAL Driver)  but I'm not being able to see my dongle in the Flash Programmer, is there anything else I should consider?   



  • Hi Alejandra,

    Did you also get the CC debugger needed for programming the dongle (as mentioned in the product page)?

    If not, I would recommend you try to get your hands on one (borrow if possible), currently we do not have any in the store and there will be no re-stock for a while. If you need to buy one, one could get creative and find them in various online stores (such as AliExpress).
  • Dear M-W, 

    I did not get the CC debugger needed for programming the dongle. 

    I'll try to get one if possible, now I changed the drive of the dongle and I'm being able to use it with the beautiful Packet Sniffer, so for now it is OK.

    I made an android app that connects to the sensortag and starts reading/stop reading the data every 5 seconds. (It reads during 5 seconds then it stops reading and it starts reading again, for a total of 25 seconds) 

    I used the Sniffer during this acquisition (attached file), but I'm not sure about how should I interpret it. Do you have any guide about how to interpret the received packets? I'm specifically interested in checking the data being transfered from the movement service. 

    I'm currently using this as guide:
    Acquisition 5-5.psd

  • Hi Alejandra,

    Great that you got it to run. The guide you are currently using is the best that I know of.

    The data you are interesting in would be part of the connection, so I would observe the connection related packages (it is the one with the yellow fields) and look for you data there. Assuming you are only sending movement data over the air you should only find this and possibly also some empty events without any payload.
  • Hi M-W,

    Currently I don't have any yellow fields, from the debugger of my app I can see that data is being transmitted, but on the sniffer I don't have anything related to the connection packages. I only have the advertising packets. 

    Even If I go back to the SensorTag App and the unmodified firmware I still get only advertising packets.

    I went to the Peripheral.c to set  gapRole_AdvChanMap = GAP_ADVCHAN_37; and set the channel in the sniffer to 37 to see if anything changed but the behaviour remained the same. (Did the same with 38 and 39)

    Moreover, I tried setting the Initiator Address on the Sniffer to the cell phone's address and to the sensortag address. 

    I also tried to test this in a less crowded enviroment, but still nothing.

    Attached is a screenshot of what I usually see.

  • Dear M-W,

    After many configurations, I was finally able to get data.

    Attached is a screenshot of what I'm getting, as you mentioned I have (what I assume to be my data) and some empty payloads.

    In your opinion what I'm seeing makes sense? 



  • Hi Alejandra,

    It looks OK me, the empty PDU is fine. Is the data in the non-empty payloads what you expect?
  • Yes, it is. Thanks. 

    Does it make sense to you that a CC2650 with the firmware programmed to transmit the movement sensor data at 100 Hz (to my app) does it at 30 Hz with one battery and at 100 Hz with another battery?


  • Hi Alejandra,

    Doesn't make sense to me. Are you sure your not having power drop outs due to one battery being "to low" on power and the device is actually restarting?
  • I'm almost sure.

    Would there be any signs of the device actually restarting?

    I did 5 tests for each battery, with the same  app at 100Hz, and the same CC2650, withouth modifying nor re-loading the firmware.

    I'm using an Energizer CR2032 and a Duracel DL2032 (According to what I understand they are the same battery and should have the same behaviour) 

    First I used the Duracel battery and I was able to acquire at ~100 Hz. (This frequency determined by both the  total samples / test duration, and the mean timestamp difference between samples)

    Then, I used the Energizer battery and the frequency droped to ~30 Hz in each of the 5 acquisitions. 

    I find it very strange, and I cannot seem to understand this behaviour.  


  • Hi M-W,

    Mysterious update: I did five more tests with each battery, 1 min each, and the Duracel keept going at ~ 100 Hz, while the Energizer went as follows:

    Test 1:  ~ 33.28 Hz
    Test 2: ~ 42. 84 Hz
    Test 3: ~ 63.18 Hz
    Test 4: ~ 86.58 Hz
    Test 5: ~ 100 Hz

    I find this even more strange, but is consistent with the frequency behaviour I was experiencing before. Any idea of why this happens?

  • Hi Alejandra,

    Sounds like it could be voltage related, have you tried plotting the voltage over operation to see how/if it dips during sampling? It could be that the accelerometer you are using is sensitive to this which could affect the maximum sample rate of the sensor.
  • Hi M-W,

    I can try that.

    But for me it is unlikely for this to be voltage related, I have tried soo many different batteries and SensorTag modules over the past days, and they all seem to behave the same way at some point.

    The thing that makes me think that it is not voltage related is the fact that during my one-hour test the frequency goes to 30Hz at some point, but then it increases up to 100Hz and remains around 100Hz.

    I opened a new thread in which I describe this issue:

  • Hi Alejandra,

    Try that and see what you find out. Let's put this thread to a rest now and let the question continue on in your new thread to avoid duplicating efforts.