Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , CC256XCQFN-EM
I am trying to create an RF setup with CC2564MODA on top of MSP432P401R. I want to control the controller using HCI commands from PC using HCITester.
Earlier i was loading one of the profiles from bluetooth stacks, because of which i was receiving timeout error when entered HCI commands.
From one of the forums i came to know that to do so, i need to put MSP432 into transparent mode, so it takes USB input from PC through a COM port and accordingly provides HCI commands to the controller or vice-versa.
Also came to know that something like that used to be part of Hardware evaluation tool which has been depreciated due to windows incompatibility.
So can you please help me regarding it? Is there an API or profile which i can load on MSP432 and it will work in transport mode and take input from USB and send HCI commands to the Controller?
Also i want to know if there is any requirement to connect any jumpers? Currently i am just putting CC2564MODA on top of MSP432P401R evaluation board without connecting any jumpers.
Please respond as soon as possible.