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as we have multiple projects in one repository, we need to change the name of the indivial projects. We tried to change e.g. "project_zero_app_cc2650" to "customName_app" and "project_zero_stack_cc2650" to "customName_stack". We do this by copy and pasting (as described here). But when starting to build the project, it say "project_zero_stack_cc2650/.../filename" not found. We tried to change the references in "Proejct > Preferences > Project Refernces", ".project", and ".cproject" files, but without success. Is there a way to rename both and if so, how exactly?
Hi Mavin,
See, this video tutorial. This is the slow method just to show the details. After you do this there is still some improvements that can be done to make the app and stack project more portable.
Hi kel,
thanks for the video. But we already have projects which needs to be adjusted, thus we cannot delete and reimport them. Additionally we would preferer a method, wehich would not alter TIs resssource files (to increase portability among systems).
Hi Mavin,
I understand what your are saying. Unfortunately I have not found another way. From the video, what you can do at the end is port your project to the "Custom CCS Project".
Mavin Heim said:Additionally we would preferer a method, wehich would not alter TIs resssource files (to increase portability among systems).
That works if you are developing in a team in the same place. If you export the CCS project and then send it to your client elsewhere, most likely it will not build.
Hi kel,
maybe its already known, but i found a workaround to solve the renaming problem without touching the ressources files, thus hopefully maintaining portability. I tested it with two projects and it seems to work without any problems.
1.) Copy the application and stack project and enter the desired nae when promted, eg. "<project_name>_app" and "<project_name>_stack"
2.) In "Project -> Properties -> Project References (Advanced)" change the dependecy from (eg) "project_zwero_stack_cc2650" to "<project_name>_stack"
3.) Locate the projectspecs used for the process (Project -> properties -> Ressource -> Linked Ressources "PROJECT_BUILD_BASE"
4.) Create a folder in your workspace called "<project_name>_build_base"
5.) Copy the whole folder structure linked in step one (eg. "ble_projectzero" from ".../simpleling_academy_01_11_00_0000/modules/projects") into the created folder.
6.) Modify the ".projectspec" files as follows:
6.1) Check files in "ccs/config" for references of interest
6.2) In "ccs/desktop" select one of the "*app*.projectspec" which fits best to your current setup. Delete the other "*app*.projectspec" files. Keep the "*stack*.projectspec" file.
6.3) Go through the "*app*.projectspec" file and change references to (eg) "project_zero_stack" to (eg) "<project_name>_stack"
6.4) Change the project name for the stack in the "*stack*.projectspec" to (eg) "<project_name>_stack"
7.) Change the build_base reference in the prject propeties to the created folder. !!! Backup the old path !!!
8.) Go into "Project -> Properties -> (CCS) Build -> ARM Compiler -> Advanced Settings -> Command Files" and change (eg) "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/project_zero_stack_cc2650/TOOLS/build_config.opt" and "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/project_zero_stack_cc2650/TOOLS/ccs_compiler_defines.bcfg" to "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/<project_name>_stack/TOOLS/ccs_compiler_defines.bcfg" and "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/<project_name>_stack/TOOLS/ccs_compiler_defines.bcfg". !!! Back up the old paths !!!
9.) Go into "Project -> Properties -> (CCS) Build -> ARM Linker -> Advanced File Search Path" and change (eg) "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/project_zero_stack_cc2650/TOOLS/ccs_linker_defines.cmd" to "${WORKSPACE_LOC}/<project_name>_stack/TOOLS/ccs_linker_defines.cmd". !!! Back up the old paths !!!
10.) Remove (or rename) the original projects "project_zero_app*" and "project_zero_stack*", thus the compiler/linker could not find them in case, something is not correctly setup.
11.) Clean and Rebuild "<project_name>_stack" and "<project_name>_app". If any errors occur, you might have missed a step above.
@ Bluetooth®︎ Code Composer Studio™︎, would be nice to have a macro for that (or a similar feature) to make the whole process easier.
Edit: Also not all projects seem to need that workaround. The projects we tested from "ble_examples-ble_examples-2.2" seem to work with simple renaming by copy/psting.