This page covers using the new TI ARM Clang compiler with BLE SDK 4.40. If that is your case, please read on.
The simplelink_cc13x2_26x2_sdk_4_40_00_44 introduced projects that use the new TI ARM Clang compiler.
Given this compiler is just being released, a few additional steps are required to use this new toolchain with Code Composer Studio version 10.2.
- At the time of this writing, the TI ARM Clang compiler is still in Short Term Support (STS) version 1.1.0.
- The instructions below cover the Windows hosted version. Please adjust the paths if Linux hosts are being used.
TI ARM Compilers Download page
TI ARM Clang BLE migration guide
The TI ARM Clang compiler is not installed with CCSv10.2, therefore it must be downloaded from the TI ARM Compilers download page in the previous section:
After downloading, double-click on the installer executable <ti_cgt_armllvm_1.1.0_windows-x64_installer.exe> and follow the on-screen instructions.
Important: the default install path of the compiler is set to the download directory. In order for CCS to acknowledge it in an easier fashion, please change it to the C:\ti directory:
Working in the Code Composer Studio IDE
When CCS is opened, it normally scans a few paths for new toolchains and dependencies. In this case, you can simply open the Resource Explorer (menu View → Resource Explorer) and import a TI Clang project from the tree:
However, in case CCS does not perform this scan or the compiler is not found, you have to manually add it to the Compiler products. Go to menu Window → Preferences and browse to the following options.
Click on the Refresh button. Any previously installed compiler in C:\ti should be added.
At this point, the project should be able to be imported normally.