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Hi Lynn !
Looking at your scope grabs I see one thing I think is a bit strange :
Why is the SCK and CSN lines floating at about 1V before and after the CC debugger is trying to connect ?
Would seem to me that the 8520 is not getting the power it should.
From what I see in your schematic you should cut the line to pin number 9 on the JTAG connector and add IOVDD power to pin 2 of the same connector if it's not connected there now.
Ole A. Torvmark
Thank you for the input. Pin 2 is connected to IOVDD. We removed the RSTN connection to the CC8520 but all responses are exactly the same.
Hi Lynn!
First one comment: The CC8520 does not support broadcast, it will handle maximum 4 slaves in FW1.1 release....
Schematic looks fine....could you zoom in on MISO and MOSI, so I can see the comunication betwetween the CCdebugger and the CC8520?
Hi Lynn !
Have you checked the 48MHz crystal ? Is it running correctly ?
Ole A. Torvmark
Looking at the MISO signal one can see that the CC8520 is not reponding.
Do as Ole suggested! Check the crystal also check the VDD on all pins and measure the current consumption if possible.
Thank you for the help. We used a very small soldering iron and resoldered all the pins on the CC8520 and it now connects and programs.
Great! I'm glad you solved it, and thanks for sharing your solution on how you fixed it.