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Hi guys,
im designing a CC2500 module with PA LNA and i have attached the schematic, Layout and the antenna im using.
I have few questions regarding the design.
1. Should i put a balun capacitor between the cc2500 and cc2592 if so what should be the value?
2. im using a 2dbi wire antenna and should i change anything in the antenna match?
Replace C14 with a Shunt Inductor. Put as DNP (Do Not Populate). You can tune this value when yo test your Prototype boards.
I recommend to put a PI network (0R as a series component) as a place holder in front of Antenna for Antenna matching.
You need to add RF Shield for CC2592.
Please refer to CC2538 -CC2592 Reference design for details.
Thanks for the recommendation. I am learning to design RF products. How can i calculate the shunt inductor ? should i use ADS or is there a formula?.
Thank you very much. :)
This Shunt Inductor is a place holder only. That means this may not be required.
Test your prototype boards without this Inductor. If the board meets the expected performance then no need to use it.
If you see any issue with your prototypes then contact us then we will help you.
Please refer to CC2530-CC2592 reference design for Shunt Inductor value.