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Hi Ti,
I am using sniffer agent with following set up to catch the Wi SUN packet
However, some packets are not coming with a destination address and it is not in a format of IPv6. Beside that, "Expert Info" always shows error.
Looking for some help
Hi Giao,
It looks like wireshark is using the wrong dissector for your packets. (See the Protocol column, this should say Wi-SUN.)
I'm not familiar with using IPv4 format. Did you do a test with the default configuration?
Did you remember to open Wireshard with the correct target? See step 2 of Wireshark setup:
Marie H
My Wireshark set up followed the instruction . At Protocol column, If I choose TI Radio Packet Info (Documentation) the Wireshark packet always show BAD FCS
My Wireshark target "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data -k
Wireshark set up for TI 811.15.4ge
IEEE 811.15.4 decryption key
Hi Giao,
Can you open Device Configuration in the sniffer agent, then open the Configure Radio drop-down menu. You should select your Wi-SUN mode here.
Marie H
Hi Marie,
I already configured device Wi SUN mode the same in BR node and Node router. Channel 0 WISUN MODE 1a
Part Number: CC1352P
Hi Team,
Regarding for setting up Wireshark from Wi SUN stack user guide and packet sniffer user guide
I did follow all steps from the Wi SUN user guide. However, the question is that Which pipe configuration (Snifferagent) I should use to catch the Wi SUN packet?
1) If I follow Wi SUN user guide and choose "TI Radio Packet Info", Device config (IEEE 802.15.4g WISUN 1a) then all the Wireshark packet come with BAD FCS (figure 1, 2, 3) (You can see that I already modified the Target setting by adding -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data -k
to the end of the current target entry figure 3) and add decryption keys, use the test GTKs
2) if I change pipe config ( Snifferagent) follow Sniffer agent user guide (figure 4) to TIMAC/TI 802.15.4ge (figure 5)
the packet capture come without BAD FCS (figure 6)
However, from both set up the Wireshark packet some how still missing some destination address and not in the format of IPV6.
The question is that TI could provide the right Wireshark packet capture on the Wi SUN network and How it should look like?
Beside that, for the second set up (TIMAC/TI 802.15.4ge) I already put the decryption key on TI 802.15.4ge in Wireshark preference figure 7
But I have not yet done to enter the device’s short address, PAN ID and IEEE Address in Static Addresses. (where can I find static addresses?)
Looking forward to see your response,
Hi Giao,
I merged your two threads.
I have gone through my own configurations but I can't find any discrepancy when comparing to yours.
Pipe configuration:
Device configuration:
My Wireshark shortcut target: "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data -k
Regarding GTK, I believe this should be added under the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol (not TI 802.15.4ge).
Marie H
Hi Marie,
Thanks, So as your answer. I assume that my first configuration was correct. But if it configured like that, the Wireshark packet always showS BAD FCS.
Could you please share me your Wireshark packet capture on the Wi SUN network? Because from my packet I have not much information that I can understand on Wi SUN network. Or I can not find any reference Wi SUN Wireshark packet from User guide from TI.
Hi Giao,
Did you configure your Wi-SUN projects to use fixed GTKs as well?
In order to use the test GTKs, open the Project -> Properties -> Build -> ARM Compiler -> Predefined Symbols and add a symbol: FIXED_GTK_KEYS
Marie H
Hi Giao,
This is what a log looks like on my machine. As you can see, Wi-SUN should be automatically selected by Wireshark as the protocol.
Marie H
Thank you, I think the problem might be with the sniffer. I will try to do again.
Hi Maire,
I see that required for the LP to set up sniffer are:
But from sniffer user guide the LP CC1352P-2 still doable. However, I can not find the binary file for CC1352P2 from the sniffer packet. Is it possible to use CC1352P1 binary file?
Hi Giao,
The RX side on CC1352P-2 is the same as the one on CC1352P-1, so the CC1352P-1 hex file should work.
Marie H
Hi Marie,
Which Wireshark version you are using? From SmartFR packet sniffer 2 user guide recommendation that version 3.0.X should be used. However, It is an old version.
Hi Giao,
I am using 3.0.9. Yes, please use the recommended version.
Marie H.
Hi Marie,
Yes, I used version 3.0.1 last time. Could you help me check if all information here is correct?
Hi Marie,
Regarding Wireshark configuring. Do I need to add decryption key and short address?
Your GTKs look good.
You don't need to follow the TI 15.4-Stack specific instructions. Only the Wi-SUN stack guide steps are required.
Marie H