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CC1314R10: SWSC002D Range Estimation tool

Part Number: CC1314R10


Can TI please document the formula used to calculate the range estimation. Is Mean Effective Gain used the same as regular antenna gain? Also 0dBi max is only available, can you please add in selection for positive antenna gain into the tool. 

  • Hi,

    Mean Effective Gain is the average gain of the antenna in all directions and polarizations.

    Mean antenna gain is not the same as maximum antenna gain. 

    Maximum antenna gain is normally required when testing at an official test house for FCC and ETSI testing. 

    But for handheld devices, since the orientation and placement is unknown or not in a fixed position; the maximum antenna gain is not useful. This is the reason for using the mean antenna gain instead.

    The mean antenna gain can never be positive for any passive antenna. However, the peak antenna gain can be positive. 

    i.e. for a 100 % efficient dipole, the mean antenna gain will be 0 dB. But the maximum peak antenna gain will be 2.15 dBi.

    The excel sheet uses the 2-ray model for calculating the range distance. More info in app note:

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi, understood about mean antenna gain, however we want to estimate max/minimum link budget so having the setting available for Peak gain(dbi) will be helpful. Can TI please modify the .xls to include peak gain in the tool and also allow custom selection of gain values, right now they are just default settings and users are not able to add in values. 


  • Hi,

    This could be done in a couple of ways. You could either compensate the output power for a lower antenna gain by just lowering the output power by x dBs. 

    Alternatively, for a pragmatic estimation expectation, I would keep the antenna gain as it is but just to choose between the "Minimum Expected Range" and the "Maximum Expected Range" option. This changes the link margin between the two options. There is a third option here, that a link is theoretically possible but I do not recommend to use this since this calculates on a zero link margin.

  • Hello, 

    Thank you for your feedback, we will just adjust the Tx power to compensate for the gain differences, thank you.