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CC1352P: Research for CC1352P 20dBm PA Circuit data from revious version of the LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-4

Part Number: CC1352P
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-CC1311P3, CC1311P3


hello, TI Friends

we find an ealiry TI support question, the link like this:

there is a very important message on the question answer from TI engineer is:

now, we need the data Zip "Previous versions of the LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-4", such as "schematic&BOM&Gerber&component parameter&Footprint" and so on.

we need to reuse the "20dBm 433MHz PA Circuit solution" on our Products. 

could you pls help me to find this "previous version LAUNCHXL-CC1352P-4", and send the data Zip to me.

Thank you very much.

  • Hi,

    We have not developed or tested this beyond the information Richard shared in the thread you linked. As mentioned, the 433 MHz-band is typically more utilised at lower power levels as +20 dBm is not allowed in most regions, so we have not spent more time on this particular design. The +14 dBm design is usually sufficient for most applications.

    You should not need any previous version of the board, you can use the released design files of the LAUNCHXL-CC1352P1 and change the BOM of the +20 dBm path to the above circuit: LAUNCHXL-CC1352P1 (SWRC349):

    The required component layout (and associated Gerbers) is the same for the 868/915 MHz and 433 MHz +20 dBm TX path with these designs; only the BOM is changed. The vendor component series used will also not have changed so the component values (with the same tolerances) can be selected from this component series.

    Please note that you will need to mount and test this yourself to check that it meets the regulatory requirements (we'd recommend checking the conducted performance first).



  • hello,Zack

    thank you for your result. we will use the new message you gived.

    And we need your help to confirm some detial question:

    1.we just use the 433MHz with 20dBm, so can we delete the component who link to pin1&pin2.

    2. we just use the 433MHz with 20dBm, so can we close the unused 2.4GHz and Sub1g module with the systemconfig or CCS?

    3.we just use the 433MHz with 20dBm, and we want to delete the SUB-1_GHZ Circuit component who link to pin3&pin4. so where should we link the pin7 "RX_TX" to the 20dBm circuit?

    4. we just use 20dBm 433MHz, so What should we do with the unused RF pins(pin1&pin2&pin3&pin4)? Make it airborne? Or?

    5. because we just use  20dBm 433MHz, so we no need the anolog switch(U32), and we use the external SMA Antenna, so we just NC the C58, and weld the C59 and P13, and C59 use the same parameter with C58, is it right?

  • Hi,

    You still need the SUB-1_GHZ circuit for RX operation; the +20 dBm PA port is a power amplifier and is for TX operation only. So, you must still use the 433 MHz BOM for the "regular" Sub-1 GHz path.

    You can just leave the 2.4 GHz port(s) disconnected and unconfigured if you are not using it.

    You can use the SPDT switch that is used in the LP-CC1311P3 (SPRR488): design as there are two paths used (TX and RX). You still need an RF switch to provide isolation between the TX and RX paths.



  • hello,Zack

    if i use the CC1312+20 dBm External PA, this solution is ok?

  • Hi,

    You still need an RX path - does this front-end have both an LNA and PA?

    It would be easier to use either a CC135xPx or CC1311P3 device as you can use the +20 dBm output for TX and the regular Sub-1 GHz port for RX. The 2.4 GHz port(s) can be left disconnected.

