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CC1354P10: CC1352R1 & CC1354P10 WI-SUN Network testing

Part Number: CC1354P10
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


I am trying to setup a multi-hop test environment with WI-SUN as an capture below: the distance between each node is 30 meters  (simplelink_cc13xx_cc26xx_sdk_7_41_00_17). Using  NWP devices: ns_br_LP_EM_CC1354P10_1_tirtos7_ticlang  as border router and  ns_node_CC1352R1_LAUNCHXL_tirtos7_ticlang as Router node.  Durring the test  I saw that the wisun network can not connect as far as I expected so I think that the maximun number of hops is wrong but Idon't know how to check number of hops. Can you help me to check it and findout the issues.

  • Hi Luong,

    thank you for sharing your test setup.

    There is no limitation of the number of hops in the Wi-SUN stack. In the default configuration the network will form automatically with the number of hops necessary.
    The only exception is the "Force star network topology" feature that can be enabled in SysConfig -> TI Wi-SUN FAN -> Network. If this feature is enabled then the network will be formed with only one hop. Please ensure that this feature is disabled when you compile the project (I see in your screenshot that it is disabled).

    To narrow down the issue could you please share with me more details on what you observe:
    - how long did you deploy the devices for your test?
    - how many devices joined the border router and in which time did it happen?
    - did you modify the example projects?

    Kind regards,

  • - I have deployed wisun devices for the test from the last 2 weeks until now.
    - I setup the test with about 35 router node and 12 devices connect to boder router in about 10 minutes.
    - I just modify ti_wisunfan_border_router.syscfg and  ti_wisunfan_router_node.syscfg  file such as:
    + Center Frequency Channel 0 (MHz) to 920.2
    + Total Channels to 15 channels

  • Hi Luong,

    let me summarize so that we can ensure I understood it correctly.

    - You deployed 35 router nodes and 1 border router 2 weeks ago.
    - 12 router nodes joined the border router after 10 minutes.
    - The other 23 router nodes have not joined the border router until now.

    1. Let us ensure that all of the router nodes that did not join the border router work correctly.
    I suggest that you to reset the 23 router nodes that are not connected to the border router.
    Is this possible and can you tell me if they joined the border router afterwards?

    2. Can you tell me which hardware you are using as deployed devices and how they are set up?

    Kind regards,

  • I have 35 router nodes and 1 border router for testing.
    At first, I setup all 35 router node in a room and all 35 node joined to border router work correctly.
    Then I setup the test in outdoor environment ,I put all 35 node in a line along to the road with the distance between each node is 30 meters(such as the image i shared above). During this test, 12 router nodes joined the border router and the other 23 router nodes have not joined even when I have tried to reset serveral times.

    I use CC1354P10RZG(boder router) and CC1352R1(router node) the two module image is below.

  • Hi Luong,

    it is great to hear that everything worked fine when you had set up the network inside. It sounds like you have some kind of interference issues in the outside testing environment that prevent the signal from reaching the next node at some point of the network.

    1. To dive deeper into this could you execute the dodagroute command ( from the border router for each node and draw a network map that shows us how the formed network looks like?

    This will show us which devices have joined over other devices and where the network ends. When we have identified the node where the network ends we can check for interference and other reasons that can prevent the signal from reaching the next node.

    2. Could you also tell me which transmit power you are using for the nodes? Is it 16 dBm as for the border router?

    Kind regards,

  • I have truy the the dodagroute command to draw network map that show as below:(transmit power of border router is 16 dBm and  transmit power of router node is 14 dBm)


  • Hi Luong,

    thank you for investigating this!

    Could you now check with this network map which devices correspond to it on the map  that you shared in your first post?
    This way we can see if they are all in line and at some point there is an obstruction or if there is devices in between connected devices that can't be reached.

    I'm looking forward to your answer.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Luong,

    thank you for the updated map.

    Now I see that the connection breaks down after node 14.

    Could you check the noise floor at node 15?
    You could do that by setting up a LaunchPad with our SmartRF Studio 7. Documentation can be found here.
    After opening the tool and connecting the LaunchPad to the PC you only need to select the correct device and open it.
    Then you can select the correct Wi-SUN Phy and measure for each of the channels that you use in continuous RX the noise floor.

    From this measurements we will be able to see if there is a high noise floor that covers the channels so that the device can not reach each other.

    If this is not possible we can try an alternative test approach. 
    Our implementation has the option of using a mac filterlist for network topology management. You could use this feature to set up a test indoors where you force the nodes to join in a long chain. This way you can validate your software without noise issues and we can see if there is issues. The feature is documented in the User's Guide.

    Let me know how we move forward.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Luong,

    thank you very much for providing me the measurements.

    Could you also send me the details of the sub1 antenna that you use for your device and the mounting height of the device?

    Then I can compute the theoretical range.

    Kind regards,

  • Border router: Fiberglass Antenna 3.22 dbi @ 921MHz , Eff 78.7%, SWR 1.0824

    Node: FCP Antenna 1.45dBi @ 915MHz, Eff 71.6%, SWR 1.4016

    I have test  the antena, the distance between node to node is more than 300 meters.

  • Hi Luong,

    from a theoretical calculation the devices are in range.

    Could you use the feature mac filterlist for network topology management and set up a test indoors where you force the nodes to join in a long chain. This way you can validate your software. The feature is documented in the User's Guide.

    Please let me know about the results.

    Kind regards,