LP-XDS110ET: LP-XDS110ET control GPIO pins

Part Number: LP-XDS110ET


I have a LP-XDS110ET board. On the 20pin connector there are GPIO1,2,3 pins available. How can i read/write them?

I have nothing found.

BR Sebastian

  • I guess that depends on which LP you have connected to the LP-XDS110ET board.

    I you for example are using the LP-EM-CC1354P10-6, the following DIOs are connected to the GPIO1, 2, and 3:


  • At the moment I have no board.

    I just want to control the GPIO's but have nothing found. How can I do this? Is there a tool available like "dbgjtag"?

  • You cannot control these pins if they are not connected to another board that?

    I do not understand what exactly you are trying to do? 

    The LP-XDS110ET LaunchPad development kit debugger is a tool to program and debug Texas Instruments (TI) microcontrollers, microprocessors and DSP XDS-compatible devices. The LP-XDS110ET has been designed to connect directly to split Launchpad development kits via the 20-pin edge connector.

    It is not a boards that can be used stand-alone for anything.


  • Ok, I understand this.

    But if I connect this board to another LP how can I control this GPIO pins?

  • I cannot answer how you can do this when I do not know what you are planning to connect to those pins.

    As shown above, if you connect a  LP-EM-CC1354P10-6, you can control the DIO45, DIO46 and DIO47, as these are the once connected.

    Examples and documentation on how to control GPIOs are found in the SDK for this device:

    SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx SDK


  • Ok. Thansk. So with the "dbgjatg" I cannot control them?

    dbgjtag -f @xds110 -Y gpiopins, config=number, write=number, read=boolean, mask=number

  • I honestly do not know, and I am still wondering what you are trying to use this board for, if not using for development together with any of the supported split LPs.


  • I just want to use a GPIO port to step throw my firmware. I'm wondering why there are GPIO ports availbale but cannot be controlled and used.

    BR Sebastian

  • What firmware are you referring to? I have asked you what MCU you have connected to the LP-XDS110ET, and you said that you had nothing connected to the LP-XDS110ET.

    Are you trying to write code for the MSP432E401YTPDT on the LP-XDS110ET?

    If that is the case, you need to ask your question in the forum supporting that device:

    (+) Arm-based microcontrollers forum - Arm-based microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums


  • My own firmware which I developed. I want to connect a CC1354 board.

  • If you write firmware for a CC1354 and connect the CC1354 LP to the  LP-XDS110ET, then you write code on the CC1354 using the SimpleLink CC13xx CC26xx SDK to control DIO45, DIO46 and DIO47, as these are the once connected to GPIO1, 2, 3.

    Examples and documentation on how to control GPIOs are found in the SDK.


  • So if I write and program the firmware for CC1354 and want to step throw it via a GPIO there is no possibility? For me it's not clear why there is than a connection from the LP-XDS110ET to the CC1354.

  • "I you for example are using the LP-EM-CC1354P10-6, the following DIOs are connected to the GPIO1, 2, and 3:"

    For me it's still not clear why the DIO45,46,47 are connected to the XDS_GPIO1,2,3 if I cannot read or write them from the LP-XDS110ET board?

  • I do not understand what you mean by stepping through the code via a GPIO?

    The LP-XDS110ET is used together with many different LPs.

    For the CC1354 LP, the DIO45, 36 and 47, are not even connected to the  LP-XDS110ET, unless you manually mount the resistors as shown in the diagram I posted.

    Why are you so focused on these GPIOs?

    If you are using the CC1354 LP, you use the LP-XDS110ET to download code, and step through it using the debugger.

    If you want to measure on different signals from the CC1354, most of the DIOs/GPIOs are availabe on the CC1354 LP.


  • I want to simulate later the production test. Therefore I need a port to toggle. I thought that I can try this with the LP-XDS110ET board since there are 3 GPIO pins.

    "For the CC1354 LP, the DIO45, 36 and 47, are not even connected to the  LP-XDS110ET, unless you manually mount the resistors as shown in the diagram I posted."

    Even though, it's still not clear for me why it is possible to connect the GPIO's. What's the purpose?

  • As I already said. For CC1354 they have no purpose. If they had, the resistors would have been mounted.

    For other LP, you might use them for something.

    If you are evaluating the CC1354, this is the device you want to debug.

    All the GPIOs from the cc1354 device is available on the CC1354 LP, so you need not connect the signals to the LP-XDS110ET. They are already availabe on the CC1354 LP.