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I have a few questions regarding the CC3230SF
Line 34 of the Hardware Design Checklist says to use a 100k pull-down resistor on TCK, however, this is not reflected in the datasheet. Is the 100k pull-down required on TCK when using the CC3230SF?
Does the VDD_ANA1 require a 0.1 uF cap? The development board does not have it but the datasheet schematic does.
Per row 29 of the HDC, do I need the 100 uF coupling caps when using a power supply and not a battery?
In row 31 of the HDC column D calls out a 100k/0.1uF pair for the reset line and column F calls out a 100k/0.01uF pair. Which is recommended?
In row 35 of the HDC the recommend pull-up resistor to VBAT is 69.8k for the SOP lines whereas the schematic in the datasheet for CC3230SF uses a 270 ohm resistor. Which one is recommended?
Is there some information on what pull-up or pull-down resistors should be used for the GPIO lines. Also, is there more information on how to access internal pull-up or pull-down resistors and when they can be used?
I see the boot loader is loaded into ROM on the Dev board. If just buying the chip does the boot loader come installed or will that have to be developed?
Thank you!
Hi Ryan,
I will ask one of our SW apps engineers to answer your question regarding GPIOs.
Hi Ryan,
The GPIO internal pullups and pulldowns can be configured in SysConfig with the rest of the pin configurations. They can also be set in the application code. See the TI Drivers API documentation for GPIO for more details.
Best regards,