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Part Number: CC3220MOD


When CC3220mods is in use, it is found that NWP is locked and WiFi communication cannot be carried out.

I start the app through 2nd bootloader, and the app will report the error information as follows:

[line:686, error code:-14343] WLAN error, please refer "WLAN ERRORS CODES" section in errors.h

[line:24, error code:-2011] Device error, please refer "DEVICE ERRORS CODES" section in errors.h

Module model: cc3220mods
SDK version: 2_ 10_ 00_ 04

In actual use, when the AP is not connected, the module will be reset with a reset cycle of 40s.

After reset, the above problem still exists. We have also tried to power on and off repeatedly, and NWP is still locked.

※What are the possible reasons for this NWP locking? What are the troubleshooting suggestions?


Yunxue Wang

  • Hi,

    Description of lock states you find at SWRU455 chapter 3.3.4. But I suppose that lock state is due to handling at your bootloader application. From your post above is hard to say how your bootloader works. Some bootloader example with SF devices you find at my older post.

    btw ... Do you have some particular reason for using such old SDK version? What ServicePack do you have loaded inside device?


  • i recommend you move the the latest SDK. There were couple of bugs related that were fixed. However, i guess if it is persistent you should read the doc and check your bootloader as Jan mentioned.