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BP-CC3301: CC3301 VS HCI command question

Part Number: BP-CC3301
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3301,

Dear TI Sirs:

  When we read the document in SDK, we saw there are vendor specific hci commands released inside this version.

  We also read the below post in the forum:

  We know the WIFI radio toolbox can test BLUETOOTH RF.

  However, we see there is a VS CMD inside CC3301,

The document claim this command can enable PRODUCTION TEST MODE.

Does TI have more detail for this command?

To do a Factory production test, we usually need to use some kind like this command, where can we get the detail of this VS CMD and it realted informations?

Besides, in WL18xx, TI provide some VS HCI CMD like:

We use these commands to test the RF continuous TX/RX during our factory production line before.

However CC3301 only have

these 2 tx power commands.

Does CC3301 provide more VS commands/informations that can use in PLT like calibrator?



  • Dear Sirs:

      Besides the VS HCI command, I also want to know does TI have any plan/schedule to release HCITester on CC33XX?



  • Dear Sirs:

      Is there anyone going to answer this?



  • Dear Sir:

      We are using BP-CC3301 with BBB.

      We boot the BBB with CC3301, and enable the BLE over SDIO and enable it.

    We can see the hci interface:

    WiFi is also seen:

    And wifi is working:

    Then we following the answer in

    To set up a BT tx test:

    We use btmon to dump the hci interface commands and events:

    The reset is success:

    Then I want to set the TXPWR by following the


    And I want to set it in 5dbm:

    You can see the HCI Event Response from CC3301 is:

    01 04 12 01 FC

    Where 0401 is the HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerDone, and according to the document

    FC01 is the opcode of HCI_EXT_SetTxPowerCmd in the response.

    However, the status code is 0x12, inside TI BLE command table, it imply the ble incorrect mode according to TI BLE Vendor Specific HCI Reference Guide Version 3.0.0:

    And then I repeat to test the value that should work from 0xE(14,5dbm) until 0x4(4, -10dbm) are all incorrect, and only value 0x3, 0x2,0x1,0x0 is working and get the response of 0 (SUCCESS).

    Here are the txpower value of CC254x and CC264x

    It looks like the CC3301 is only capable as CC254x.

    Then I tried to issue a standard LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST command:

    hcitool cmd 0x08 0x1e 0x1 0x10 0x0

    And after 10 seconds:

    I got the TEST_END event with number of packets is 0.

    I did not issue a TEST_END command.

    Then I reboot and repeat the test without setting tx power, however the result is still the same, the test will end automatically with 0 packets even I did not set TEST END HCI command.

    Now my question are:

    1. As in the

    When did the SET TX POWER should use or issue to set the TX power?

    2. Why the LE_TRANSMITTER_TEST end of transmit no packets after around 12 seconds?

    3. Does TI have any steps to test the BLE TX?

    4. Does TI have any plan/schedule to release HCITester on CC33XX?

    5. Does TI have more VS HCI command as in WL18xx we used before?



  • Dear Sirs:

      FYI, for the same HCI command of LE_TRANMITTER_TEST has no problem of ending automatically in WL18xx.



  • Hello,

    Sorry for the delay, currently the testing guide and HCITester xml is planned to be released once the product is officially out for market. I will definitely be looking into what the correct power parameters are available and make sure they are corrected in the HCI guide.

    Kind Regards,
