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Can you provide non signaling forced transmission and forced reception instructions for CC3135
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Do you mean you need instructions to have the CC3135 transmit and receive for RF evaluation and testing ? I would recommend you download SimpleLink Wi-Fi® radio testing tool (also know as RadioTool) from https://www.ti.com/tool/CC3XXXRADIOTEST and refer to the SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3x20, CC3x3x Radio Tool User Guide.
Jessica M. torres
We found during the testing process that CC3135, as a STA connecting to the AP, could not be scanned or connected to certain APs. Here are some comparative tests we conducted and the captured empty port messages. Please ask TI colleagues to help check the reason why the AP cannot connect. I have a packet capture environment for empty packets here, and if necessary, remote debugging is possible
1. The AP that cannot be connected is generated using Android PDA. The detailed information of the AP obtained using the scanning tool has been saved to issue.ap_info.text
2. This AP can choose between 2.4G or 5G networks (neither frequency band can be scanned and connected), and cannot select channels or bandwidth.
3. The AP signal is good and has also been tested in a shielded room. But there was no improvement.
4. You can search and connect to this AP normally using your phone or computer
5. CC3135 uses the default firmware of Uniflash.
6. The channel mask and signal filtering are not set. Check that there are no restrictions on the country code and channel.
7. Using a mobile phone to generate a hotspot, CC3135 can search and connect normally.
8. Use a router, set it to the same channel, encryption method, SSID, password, and bandwidth as the problem AP. CC3135 can connect normally
9. Use tools to grab WLAN empty packets. The attachment normal.pcap is a packet capture file for generating hotspots on mobile phones and connecting CC3135 normally
The MAC of CC3135 is 68: E7:4A: F6:1D: 70, and the MAC of the mobile hotspot is 52:38:74: d4:88:49. The SSID is XRH
10. The attachment issue.pcap is a packet capture file generated by PDA, which shows that CC3135 cannot connect properly and the computer can connect normally
The MAC of CC3135 is 68: E7:4A: F6:1D: 70, and the MAC of the computer is 94: E6: F7:40: EF: 16. The MAC of the problem AP is 1a: 19:22:79: f1:6a, and the SSID is xixi