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CC3301: the firmware not responding to commands by multiple connections to the AP.(R5 version)

Part Number: CC3301


After the cc3301 successfully connects to the AP, restarting the cc3301 and attempting to reconnect to the AP results in the first connection attempt failing, while the second connection attempt succeeds.

The reason for the first connection failure is that the AP sends a disassociation packet, which happens very quickly, but we do not receive any related events and have to wait until the connection times out.

The second connection may also fail, as the firmware no longer responds to commands issued by the driver, the firmware logs no longer show any prints, while under normal circumstances, the firmware logs would continuously display prints.  This error occurs with a high probability.

so, My issue is:

1. Why doesn't the driver receive the disassociation event in a timely manner?

2. Why does such a connection operation cause the firmware to stop working?