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hi, im using cc3100 boosterpack and msp430f6736 with target board msp-TS430PZ100B
i've downloaded the SDK and ported the host driver implementation to my target board,
i'm trying to run the next program :
int main(void) { int AP; WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer AP = sl_Start(0,0,0); return 0; }
but it gets stuck inside the sl_start function at :
OSI_RET_OK_CHECK(sl_SyncObjWait(&g_pCB->ObjPool[pObjIdx].SyncObj, SL_OS_WAIT_FOREVER));
i've looked for solution but didnt find, what i kknow is that, the function is infinite loop, that will break only if there is interrupt from IRQ,
so i looked at P2 interrupt routine:
#pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR __interrupt void IntSpiGPIOHandler(void) { switch(__even_in_range(P2IV, P2IV_P2IFG7)) { case P2IV_P2IFG7: #ifndef SL_IF_TYPE_UART if (pIraEventHandler) { pIraEventHandler(0); } #else if(puartFlowctrl->bRtsSetByFlowControl == FALSE) { clear_rts(); } #endif break; default: break; } }
more over i looked at the register and saw that i actually have an interrrupt at P2.7 = IRQ (P2IV = 0x10, P2IFG=0xFF, P2IE = 0x80 , P2IES = 0)
im adding also a probe on the ports and my spi.c, board.c
why doesnt it work?
/* * spi.c - msp430f5529 launchpad spi interface implementation * * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef SL_IF_TYPE_UART #include <msp430f6736.h> #include "datatypes.h" #include "simplelink.h" #include "spi.h" #include "board.h" #define ASSERT_CS() (P4OUT &= ~BIT0) #define DEASSERT_CS() (P4OUT |= BIT0) int spi_Close(Fd_t fd) { /* Disable WLAN Interrupt ... */ CC3100_InterruptDisable(); return 0; } Fd_t spi_Open(char *ifName, unsigned long flags) { /* Select the SPI lines: MOSI/MISO on P2.3,2 CLK on P2.5 */ // Setup P1.0 output, P1.2 UCA0SOMI, P1.3 UCA0SIMO, P1.6 UCA0CLK P1OUT &= ~BIT0; // Clear P1.0 P1DIR |= BIT0; // Set P1.0 to output direction P1SEL |= BIT2 | BIT3 | BIT6; // Set P1.0,P1.2,P1.3,P1.6 to non-IO // Setup eUSCI_A0 // Setup eUSCI_A0 UCA0CTLW0 |= UCSWRST; // **Put state machine in reset** UCA0CTLW0 |= UCMST | UCMSB | UCSYNC | UCCKPH; // 3-pin, 8-bit SPI master // Clock polarity high, MSB UCA0CTLW0 |= UCSSEL_2; // SMCLK UCA0BRW_L = 0x01; // /2 UCA0BRW_H = 0; // UCA0MCTLW = 0; // No modulation UCA0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST; // **Initialize USCI state machine** UCA0IE = UCRXIE; // Enable USCI_A0 RX,TX interrupt /* P4.1 -(HIB) WLAN enable full DS */ P4SEL &= ~BIT1; P4OUT &= ~BIT1; P4DIR |= BIT1; /* Configure SPI IRQ line on P2.7 */ P2DIR &= ~BIT7; P2SEL &= ~BIT7; P2REN |= BIT7; /* Configure the SPI CS to be on P4.0 */ P4OUT |= BIT0; P4SEL &= ~BIT0; P4DIR |= BIT0; /* 50 ms delay */ Delay(50); /* Enable WLAN interrupt */ CC3100_InterruptEnable(); return NONOS_RET_OK; } int spi_Write(Fd_t fd, unsigned char *pBuff, int len) { int len_to_return = len; ASSERT_CS(); while (len) { while (!(UCA0IFG&UCTXIFG)); UCA0TXBUF = *pBuff; while (!(UCA0IFG&UCRXIFG)); UCA0RXBUF; len --; pBuff++; } DEASSERT_CS(); return len_to_return; } int spi_Read(Fd_t fd, unsigned char *pBuff, int len) { int i = 0; ASSERT_CS(); for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) { while (!(UCA0IFG&UCTXIFG)); UCA0TXBUF = 0xFF; while (!(UCA0IFG&UCRXIFG)); pBuff[i] = UCA0RXBUF; } DEASSERT_CS(); return len; } #endif /* SL_IF_TYPE_UART */
/* * board.c - msp430f5529 launchpad configuration * * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "simplelink.h" #include "board.h" #define XT1_XT2_PORT_SEL P5SEL #define XT1_ENABLE (BIT4 + BIT5) #define PMM_STATUS_ERROR 1 #define PMM_STATUS_OK 0 #define XT1HFOFFG 0 P_EVENT_HANDLER pIraEventHandler = 0; BOOLEAN IntIsMasked; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART #define ASSERT_UART(expr) { if (!(expr)) { while(1) ;}} unsigned char error_overrun = FALSE; _uartFlowctrl uartFlowctrl; _uartFlowctrl *puartFlowctrl = &uartFlowctrl; #endif /*! \brief Increase Vcore by one level \param[in] level Level to which Vcore needs to be increased \return status \note \warning */ static uint16_t SetVCoreUp(uint8_t level) { uint16_t PMMRIE_backup, SVSMHCTL_backup, SVSMLCTL_backup; /*The code flow for increasing the Vcore has been altered to work around * the erratum FLASH37. * Please refer to the Errata sheet to know if a specific device is affected * DO NOT ALTER THIS FUNCTION */ /* Open PMM registers for write access */ PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; /* Disable dedicated Interrupts */ /* Backup all registers */ PMMRIE_backup = PMMRIE; PMMRIE &= ~(SVMHVLRPE | SVSHPE | SVMLVLRPE | SVSLPE | SVMHVLRIE | SVMHIE | SVSMHDLYIE | SVMLVLRIE | SVMLIE | SVSMLDLYIE ); SVSMHCTL_backup = SVSMHCTL; SVSMLCTL_backup = SVSMLCTL; /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG = 0; /* Set SVM highside to new level and check if a VCore increase is possible */ SVSMHCTL = SVMHE | SVSHE | (SVSMHRRL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; /* Check if a VCore increase is possible */ if ((PMMIFG & SVMHIFG) == SVMHIFG) { /* -> Vcc is too low for a Vcore increase */ /* recover the previous settings */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; SVSMHCTL = SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_ERROR; /* return: voltage not set */ } /* Set also SVS highside to new level */ /* Vcc is high enough for a Vcore increase */ SVSMHCTL |= (SVSHRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; /* Set VCore to new level */ PMMCTL0_L = PMMCOREV0 * level; /* Set SVM, SVS low side to new level */ SVSMLCTL = SVMLE | (SVSMLRRL0 * level) | SVSLE | (SVSLRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM, SVS low side is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMLDLYIFG; /*SVS, SVM core and high side are now set to protect for the new core level*/ /* Restore Low side settings */ /* Clear all other bits _except_ level settings */ SVSMLCTL &= (SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMLCTL_backup &= ~(SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Restore low-side SVS monitor settings */ SVSMLCTL |= SVSMLCTL_backup; /* Restore High side settings */ /* Clear all other bits except level settings */ SVSMHCTL &= (SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMHCTL_backup &= ~(SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Restore backup */ SVSMHCTL |= SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until high side, low side settled */ while (((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0) && ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0)); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_OK; } /*! \brief Decrease Vcore by one level \param[in] level Level to which Vcore needs to be decreased \return status \note \warning */ static uint16_t SetVCoreDown(uint8_t level) { uint16_t PMMRIE_backup, SVSMHCTL_backup, SVSMLCTL_backup; /* The code flow for decreasing the Vcore has been altered to work around * the erratum FLASH37. * Please refer to the Errata sheet to know if a specific device is affected * DO NOT ALTER THIS FUNCTION */ /* Open PMM registers for write access */ PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; /* Disable dedicated Interrupts */ /* Backup all registers */ PMMRIE_backup = PMMRIE; PMMRIE &= ~(SVMHVLRPE | SVSHPE | SVMLVLRPE | SVSLPE | SVMHVLRIE | SVMHIE | SVSMHDLYIE | SVMLVLRIE | SVMLIE | SVSMLDLYIE ); SVSMHCTL_backup = SVSMHCTL; SVSMLCTL_backup = SVSMLCTL; /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); /* Set SVM, SVS high & low side to new settings in normal mode */ SVSMHCTL = SVMHE | (SVSMHRRL0 * level) | SVSHE | (SVSHRVL0 * level); SVSMLCTL = SVMLE | (SVSMLRRL0 * level) | SVSLE | (SVSLRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM high side and SVM low side is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0 || (PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVSMHDLYIFG + SVSMLDLYIFG); /*SVS, SVM core and high side are now set to protect for the new core level*/ /* Set VCore to new level */ PMMCTL0_L = PMMCOREV0 * level; /* Restore Low side settings */ /* Clear all other bits _except_ level settings */ SVSMLCTL &= (SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMLCTL_backup &= ~(SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Restore low-side SVS monitor settings */ SVSMLCTL |= SVSMLCTL_backup; /* Restore High side settings */ /* Clear all other bits except level settings */ SVSMHCTL &= (SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register, keep all other bits */ SVSMHCTL_backup &= ~(SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Restore backup */ SVSMHCTL |= SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until high side, low side settled */ while (((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0) && ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0)); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_OK; /* Return: OK */ } uint16_t SetVCore(uint8_t level) { uint16_t actlevel; uint16_t status = 0; level &= PMMCOREV_3; /* Set Mask for Max. level */ actlevel = (PMMCTL0 & PMMCOREV_3); /* Get actual VCore */ /* step by step increase or decrease */ while (((level != actlevel) && (status == 0)) || (level < actlevel)) { if (level > actlevel) { status = SetVCoreUp(++actlevel); } else { status = SetVCoreDown(--actlevel); } } return status; } void LFXT_Start(uint16_t xtdrive) { /*AUX3CHCTL = 0x6913; AUXADCCTL = 0x0000;*/ /* If the drive setting is not already set to maximum */ /* Set it to max for LFXT startup */ if ((UCSCTL6 & XT1DRIVE_3)!= XT1DRIVE_3) { /* Highest drive setting for XT1startup */ UCSCTL6_L |= XT1DRIVE1_L + XT1DRIVE0_L; } // Setup LFXT1 UCSCTL6 &= ~(XT1OFF); // XT1 On UCSCTL6 |= XCAP_3; // Internal load cap // Loop until XT1 fault flag is cleared /* do { UCSCTL7 &= ~XT1LFOFFG; // Clear XT1 fault flags } while (UCSCTL7 & XT1LFOFFG); // Test XT1 fault flag */ UCSCTL6 = (UCSCTL6 & ~(XT1DRIVE_3)) | (xtdrive); /*set requested Drive mode */ } void Init_FLL(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio) { uint16_t d, dco_div_bits; uint16_t mode = 0; /*Save actual state of FLL loop control, then disable it. This is needed to * prevent the FLL from acting as we are making fundamental modifications to * the clock setup. */ uint16_t srRegisterState = __get_SR_register() & SCG0; __bic_SR_register(SCG0); d = ratio; dco_div_bits = FLLD__2; /* Have at least a divider of 2 */ if (fsystem > 16000) { d >>= 1 ; mode = 1; } else { fsystem <<= 1; /* fsystem = fsystem * 2 */ } while (d > 512) { dco_div_bits = dco_div_bits + FLLD0; /* Set next higher div level */ d >>= 1; } UCSCTL0 = 0x0000; /* Set DCO to lowest Tap */ UCSCTL2 &= ~(0x03FF); /* Reset FN bits */ UCSCTL2 = dco_div_bits | (d - 1); if (fsystem <= 630) /* fsystem < 0.63MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_0; else if (fsystem < 1250) /* 0.63MHz < fsystem < 1.25MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_1; else if (fsystem < 2500) /* 1.25MHz < fsystem < 2.5MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_2; else if (fsystem < 5000) /* 2.5MHz < fsystem < 5MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3; else if (fsystem < 10000) /* 5MHz < fsystem < 10MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_4; else if (fsystem < 20000) /* 10MHz < fsystem < 20MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_5; else if (fsystem < 40000) /* 20MHz < fsystem < 40MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_6; else UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_7; UCSCTL7 &= ~(DCOFFG | XT1LFOFFG); SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; if (mode == 1) { /* fsystem > 16000 */ SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(SELM__DCOCLK + SELS__DCOCLK); /* Select DCOCLK */ } else { SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(SELM__DCOCLKDIV + SELS__DCOCLKDIV);/*Select DCODIVCLK*/ } __bis_SR_register(srRegisterState); /* Restore previous SCG0 */ } void Init_FLL_Settle(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio) { volatile uint16_t x = ratio * 32; Init_FLL(fsystem, ratio); while (x--) { __delay_cycles(30); } } int registerInterruptHandler(P_EVENT_HANDLER InterruptHdl , void* pValue) { pIraEventHandler = InterruptHdl; return 0; } void CC3100_disable() { P4OUT &= ~BIT1; } void CC3100_enable() { P4OUT |= BIT1; } void CC3100_InterruptEnable(void) { P2IES &= ~BIT7; P2IE |= BIT7; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART UCA0IE |= UCRXIE; #endif } void CC3100_InterruptDisable() { P2IE &= ~BIT7; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART UCA0IE &= ~UCRXIE; #endif } void MaskIntHdlr() { IntIsMasked = TRUE; } void UnMaskIntHdlr() { IntIsMasked = FALSE; } /* void set_rts() { P1OUT |= BIT4; } void clear_rts() { P1OUT &= ~BIT4; } */ void initClk() { /* Set Vcore to accomodate for max. allowed system speed */ SetVCore(3); /* Use 32.768kHz XTAL as reference */ LFXT_Start(XT1DRIVE_0); /* Set system clock to max (25MHz) */ Init_FLL_Settle(25000, 762); SFRIFG1 = 0; SFRIE1 |= OFIE; /* Globally enable interrupts */ __enable_interrupt(); } void stopWDT() { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; } #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void Port1_ISR(void) { /* Context save interrupt flag before calling interrupt vector. */ /* Reading interrupt vector generator will automatically clear IFG flag */ switch (__even_in_range(P1IV, P1IV_P1IFG7)) { /* Vector P1IV_NONE: No Interrupt pending */ case P1IV_NONE: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG0: P1IV P1IFG.0 */ case P1IV_P1IFG0: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG1: P1IV P1IFG.1 */ case P1IV_P1IFG1: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG2: P1IV P1IFG.2 */ case P1IV_P1IFG2: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG3: P1IV P1IFG.3 */ case P1IV_P1IFG3: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG4: P1IV P1IFG.4 */ case P1IV_P1IFG4: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG5: P1IV P1IFG.5 */ case P1IV_P1IFG5: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG1: P1IV P1IFG.6 */ case P1IV_P1IFG6: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG7: P1IV P1IFG.7 */ case P1IV_P1IFG7: break; /* Default case */ default: break; } } void Delay(unsigned long interval) { while(interval > 0) { __delay_cycles(25000); interval--; } } /*! \brief The IntSpiGPIOHandler interrupt handler \param[in] none \return none \note \warning */ #pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR __interrupt void IntSpiGPIOHandler(void) { switch(__even_in_range(P2IV, P2IV_P2IFG7)) { case P2IV_P2IFG7: #ifndef SL_IF_TYPE_UART if (pIraEventHandler) { pIraEventHandler(0); } #else if(puartFlowctrl->bRtsSetByFlowControl == FALSE) { clear_rts(); } #endif break; default: break; } } /*! \brief The UART A0 interrupt handler \param[in] none \return none \note \warning */ #pragma vector=USCI_A0_VECTOR __interrupt void CC3100_UART_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(UCA0IV,0x08)) { case 0:break; /* Vector 0 - no interrupt */ case 2: /* Vector 2 - RXIF */ #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART { UINT8 ByteRead; while((UCA0IFG & UCRXIFG) != 0); if(UCRXERR & UCA1STAT) { if(UCOE & UCA1STAT) { error_overrun = TRUE; } ASSERT_UART(0); } ByteRead = UCA0RXBUF; if(puartFlowctrl->bActiveBufferIsJitterOne == TRUE) { if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes > 0) { puartFlowctrl->JitterBuffer[puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx] = ByteRead; puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes--; puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx++; if((FALSE == IntIsMasked) && (NULL != pIraEventHandler)) { pIraEventHandler(0); } } else { if(P1OUT & BIT3) { ASSERT_UART(0); } } if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes <= UART_READ_JITTER_RTS_GUARD) { set_rts(); puartFlowctrl->bRtsSetByFlowControl = TRUE; } if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx > (UART_READ_JITTER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx = 0; } } else { puartFlowctrl->pActiveBuffer[puartFlowctrl->ActiveBufferWriteCounter++] = ByteRead; } } #endif break; case 4:break; /* Vector 4 - TXIFG */ default: break; } }
SL_IF_TYPE_UART is not defined in pre-symbol list, also i looked to see maybe it was defined at libarary but its not,
the implementation of sl_IfRegIntHdlr
int registerInterruptHandler(P_EVENT_HANDLER InterruptHdl , void* pValue) { pIraEventHandler = InterruptHdl; return 0; }
opened pIraEventHandler :
P_EVENT_HANDLER pIraEventHandler = 0;
and the definition of P_EVENT_HANDLER :
typedef void (*P_EVENT_HANDLER)(void* pValue);
i did put a break point in the IntSpiGPIOHandler before i was posting, the program dont gets there
im adding the sl_start implementation :
#if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_Start)
int sl_Start(const void* pIfHdl, char* pDevName, const P_INIT_CALLBACK pInitCallBack)
InitComplete_t AsyncRsp;
/* callback init */
/* open the interface: usually SPI or UART */
if (NULL == pIfHdl)
g_pCB->FD = sl_IfOpen(pDevName, 0);
g_pCB->FD = (_SlFd_t)pIfHdl;
/* Use Obj to issue the command, if not available try later */
OSI_RET_OK_CHECK(sl_LockObjLock(&g_pCB->ProtectionLockObj, SL_OS_WAIT_FOREVER));
g_pCB->ObjPool[pObjIdx].pRespArgs = (UINT8 *)&AsyncRsp;
if( g_pCB->FD >= 0)
sl_IfRegIntHdlr((SL_P_EVENT_HANDLER)_SlDrvRxIrqHandler, NULL);
if (NULL != pInitCallBack)
g_pCB->pInitCallback = pInitCallBack;
OSI_RET_OK_CHECK(sl_SyncObjWait(&g_pCB->ObjPool[pObjIdx].SyncObj, SL_OS_WAIT_FOREVER));
/*release Pool Object*/
return GetStartResponseConvert(AsyncRsp.Status);
return (int)g_pCB->FD;
the program stucks there
the IRQ handler:
/***************************************************************************** _SlDrvRxIrqHandler *****************************************************************************/ void _SlDrvRxIrqHandler(void *pValue) { sl_IfMaskIntHdlr(); g_pCB->RxIrqCnt++; if (TRUE == g_pCB->IsCmdRespWaited) { OSI_RET_OK_CHECK( sl_SyncObjSignalFromIRQ(&g_pCB->CmdSyncObj) ); } else { sl_Spawn((_SlSpawnEntryFunc_t)_SlDrvMsgReadSpawnCtx, NULL, 0); } }
more over i add the board.c and spi.c
/* * spi.c - msp430f5529 launchpad spi interface implementation * * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #ifndef SL_IF_TYPE_UART #include <msp430f6736.h> #include "datatypes.h" #include "simplelink.h" #include "spi.h" #include "board.h" #define ASSERT_CS() (P4OUT &= ~BIT0) #define DEASSERT_CS() (P4OUT |= BIT0) int spi_Close(Fd_t fd) { /* Disable WLAN Interrupt ... */ CC3100_InterruptDisable(); return 0; } Fd_t spi_Open(char *ifName, unsigned long flags) { /* Select the SPI lines: MOSI/MISO on P2.3,2 CLK on P2.5 */ // Setup P1.0 output, P1.2 UCA0SOMI, P1.3 UCA0SIMO, P1.6 UCA0CLK P1OUT &= ~BIT0; // Clear P1.0 P1DIR |= BIT0; // Set P1.0 to output direction P1SEL |= BIT2 | BIT3 | BIT6; // Set P1.0,P1.2,P1.3,P1.6 to non-IO // Setup eUSCI_A0 // Setup eUSCI_A0 UCA0CTLW0 |= UCSWRST; // **Put state machine in reset** UCA0CTLW0 |= UCMST | UCMSB | UCSYNC | UCCKPH; // 3-pin, 8-bit SPI master // Clock polarity high, MSB UCA0CTLW0 |= UCSSEL_2; // SMCLK UCA0BRW_L = 0x01; // /2 UCA0BRW_H = 0; // UCA0MCTLW = 0; // No modulation UCA0CTLW0 &= ~UCSWRST; // **Initialize USCI state machine** UCA0IE = UCRXIE; // Enable USCI_A0 RX,TX interrupt /* P4.1 -(HIB) WLAN enable full DS */ P4SEL &= ~BIT1; P4OUT &= ~BIT1; P4DIR |= BIT1; /* Configure SPI IRQ line on P2.7 */ P2DIR &= ~BIT7; P2SEL &= ~BIT7; P2REN |= BIT7; /* Configure the SPI CS to be on P4.0 */ P4OUT |= BIT0; P4SEL &= ~BIT0; P4DIR |= BIT0; /* 50 ms delay */ Delay(50); /* Enable WLAN interrupt */ CC3100_InterruptEnable(); return NONOS_RET_OK; } int spi_Write(Fd_t fd, unsigned char *pBuff, int len) { int len_to_return = len; ASSERT_CS(); while (len) { while (!(UCA0IFG&UCTXIFG)); UCA0TXBUF = *pBuff; while (!(UCA0IFG&UCRXIFG)); UCA0RXBUF; len --; pBuff++; } DEASSERT_CS(); return len_to_return; } int spi_Read(Fd_t fd, unsigned char *pBuff, int len) { int i = 0; ASSERT_CS(); for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) { while (!(UCA0IFG&UCTXIFG)); UCA0TXBUF = 0xFF; while (!(UCA0IFG&UCRXIFG)); pBuff[i] = UCA0RXBUF; } DEASSERT_CS(); return len; } #endif /* SL_IF_TYPE_UART */
/* * board.c - msp430f5529 launchpad configuration * * Copyright (C) 2014 Texas Instruments Incorporated - * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "simplelink.h" #include "board.h" #define XT1_XT2_PORT_SEL P5SEL #define XT1_ENABLE (BIT4 + BIT5) #define PMM_STATUS_ERROR 1 #define PMM_STATUS_OK 0 #define XT1HFOFFG 0 P_EVENT_HANDLER pIraEventHandler = 0; BOOLEAN IntIsMasked; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART #define ASSERT_UART(expr) { if (!(expr)) { while(1) ;}} unsigned char error_overrun = FALSE; _uartFlowctrl uartFlowctrl; _uartFlowctrl *puartFlowctrl = &uartFlowctrl; #endif /*! \brief Increase Vcore by one level \param[in] level Level to which Vcore needs to be increased \return status \note \warning */ static uint16_t SetVCoreUp(uint8_t level) { uint16_t PMMRIE_backup, SVSMHCTL_backup, SVSMLCTL_backup; /*The code flow for increasing the Vcore has been altered to work around * the erratum FLASH37. * Please refer to the Errata sheet to know if a specific device is affected * DO NOT ALTER THIS FUNCTION */ /* Open PMM registers for write access */ PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; /* Disable dedicated Interrupts */ /* Backup all registers */ PMMRIE_backup = PMMRIE; PMMRIE &= ~(SVMHVLRPE | SVSHPE | SVMLVLRPE | SVSLPE | SVMHVLRIE | SVMHIE | SVSMHDLYIE | SVMLVLRIE | SVMLIE | SVSMLDLYIE ); SVSMHCTL_backup = SVSMHCTL; SVSMLCTL_backup = SVSMLCTL; /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG = 0; /* Set SVM highside to new level and check if a VCore increase is possible */ SVSMHCTL = SVMHE | SVSHE | (SVSMHRRL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; /* Check if a VCore increase is possible */ if ((PMMIFG & SVMHIFG) == SVMHIFG) { /* -> Vcc is too low for a Vcore increase */ /* recover the previous settings */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; SVSMHCTL = SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_ERROR; /* return: voltage not set */ } /* Set also SVS highside to new level */ /* Vcc is high enough for a Vcore increase */ SVSMHCTL |= (SVSHRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM highside is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMHDLYIFG; /* Set VCore to new level */ PMMCTL0_L = PMMCOREV0 * level; /* Set SVM, SVS low side to new level */ SVSMLCTL = SVMLE | (SVSMLRRL0 * level) | SVSLE | (SVSLRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM, SVS low side is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flag */ PMMIFG &= ~SVSMLDLYIFG; /*SVS, SVM core and high side are now set to protect for the new core level*/ /* Restore Low side settings */ /* Clear all other bits _except_ level settings */ SVSMLCTL &= (SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMLCTL_backup &= ~(SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Restore low-side SVS monitor settings */ SVSMLCTL |= SVSMLCTL_backup; /* Restore High side settings */ /* Clear all other bits except level settings */ SVSMHCTL &= (SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMHCTL_backup &= ~(SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Restore backup */ SVSMHCTL |= SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until high side, low side settled */ while (((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0) && ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0)); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_OK; } /*! \brief Decrease Vcore by one level \param[in] level Level to which Vcore needs to be decreased \return status \note \warning */ static uint16_t SetVCoreDown(uint8_t level) { uint16_t PMMRIE_backup, SVSMHCTL_backup, SVSMLCTL_backup; /* The code flow for decreasing the Vcore has been altered to work around * the erratum FLASH37. * Please refer to the Errata sheet to know if a specific device is affected * DO NOT ALTER THIS FUNCTION */ /* Open PMM registers for write access */ PMMCTL0_H = 0xA5; /* Disable dedicated Interrupts */ /* Backup all registers */ PMMRIE_backup = PMMRIE; PMMRIE &= ~(SVMHVLRPE | SVSHPE | SVMLVLRPE | SVSLPE | SVMHVLRIE | SVMHIE | SVSMHDLYIE | SVMLVLRIE | SVMLIE | SVSMLDLYIE ); SVSMHCTL_backup = SVSMHCTL; SVSMLCTL_backup = SVSMLCTL; /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); /* Set SVM, SVS high & low side to new settings in normal mode */ SVSMHCTL = SVMHE | (SVSMHRRL0 * level) | SVSHE | (SVSHRVL0 * level); SVSMLCTL = SVMLE | (SVSMLRRL0 * level) | SVSLE | (SVSLRVL0 * level); /* Wait until SVM high side and SVM low side is settled */ while ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0 || (PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0); /* Clear flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVSMHDLYIFG + SVSMLDLYIFG); /*SVS, SVM core and high side are now set to protect for the new core level*/ /* Set VCore to new level */ PMMCTL0_L = PMMCOREV0 * level; /* Restore Low side settings */ /* Clear all other bits _except_ level settings */ SVSMLCTL &= (SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register,keep all other bits */ SVSMLCTL_backup &= ~(SVSLRVL0+SVSLRVL1+SVSMLRRL0+SVSMLRRL1+SVSMLRRL2); /* Restore low-side SVS monitor settings */ SVSMLCTL |= SVSMLCTL_backup; /* Restore High side settings */ /* Clear all other bits except level settings */ SVSMHCTL &= (SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Clear level settings in the backup register, keep all other bits */ SVSMHCTL_backup &= ~(SVSHRVL0+SVSHRVL1+SVSMHRRL0+SVSMHRRL1+SVSMHRRL2); /* Restore backup */ SVSMHCTL |= SVSMHCTL_backup; /* Wait until high side, low side settled */ while (((PMMIFG & SVSMLDLYIFG) == 0) && ((PMMIFG & SVSMHDLYIFG) == 0)); /* Clear all Flags */ PMMIFG &= ~(SVMHVLRIFG | SVMHIFG | SVSMHDLYIFG | SVMLVLRIFG | SVMLIFG | SVSMLDLYIFG); PMMRIE = PMMRIE_backup; /* Restore PMM interrupt enable register */ PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* Lock PMM registers for write access */ return PMM_STATUS_OK; /* Return: OK */ } uint16_t SetVCore(uint8_t level) { uint16_t actlevel; uint16_t status = 0; level &= PMMCOREV_3; /* Set Mask for Max. level */ actlevel = (PMMCTL0 & PMMCOREV_3); /* Get actual VCore */ /* step by step increase or decrease */ while (((level != actlevel) && (status == 0)) || (level < actlevel)) { if (level > actlevel) { status = SetVCoreUp(++actlevel); } else { status = SetVCoreDown(--actlevel); } } return status; } void LFXT_Start(uint16_t xtdrive) { /*AUX3CHCTL = 0x6913; AUXADCCTL = 0x0000;*/ /* If the drive setting is not already set to maximum */ /* Set it to max for LFXT startup */ if ((UCSCTL6 & XT1DRIVE_3)!= XT1DRIVE_3) { /* Highest drive setting for XT1startup */ UCSCTL6_L |= XT1DRIVE1_L + XT1DRIVE0_L; } // Setup LFXT1 UCSCTL6 &= ~(XT1OFF); // XT1 On UCSCTL6 |= XCAP_3; // Internal load cap // Loop until XT1 fault flag is cleared /* do { UCSCTL7 &= ~XT1LFOFFG; // Clear XT1 fault flags } while (UCSCTL7 & XT1LFOFFG); // Test XT1 fault flag */ UCSCTL6 = (UCSCTL6 & ~(XT1DRIVE_3)) | (xtdrive); /*set requested Drive mode */ } void Init_FLL(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio) { uint16_t d, dco_div_bits; uint16_t mode = 0; /*Save actual state of FLL loop control, then disable it. This is needed to * prevent the FLL from acting as we are making fundamental modifications to * the clock setup. */ uint16_t srRegisterState = __get_SR_register() & SCG0; __bic_SR_register(SCG0); d = ratio; dco_div_bits = FLLD__2; /* Have at least a divider of 2 */ if (fsystem > 16000) { d >>= 1 ; mode = 1; } else { fsystem <<= 1; /* fsystem = fsystem * 2 */ } while (d > 512) { dco_div_bits = dco_div_bits + FLLD0; /* Set next higher div level */ d >>= 1; } UCSCTL0 = 0x0000; /* Set DCO to lowest Tap */ UCSCTL2 &= ~(0x03FF); /* Reset FN bits */ UCSCTL2 = dco_div_bits | (d - 1); if (fsystem <= 630) /* fsystem < 0.63MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_0; else if (fsystem < 1250) /* 0.63MHz < fsystem < 1.25MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_1; else if (fsystem < 2500) /* 1.25MHz < fsystem < 2.5MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_2; else if (fsystem < 5000) /* 2.5MHz < fsystem < 5MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_3; else if (fsystem < 10000) /* 5MHz < fsystem < 10MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_4; else if (fsystem < 20000) /* 10MHz < fsystem < 20MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_5; else if (fsystem < 40000) /* 20MHz < fsystem < 40MHz */ UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_6; else UCSCTL1 = DCORSEL_7; UCSCTL7 &= ~(DCOFFG | XT1LFOFFG); SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; if (mode == 1) { /* fsystem > 16000 */ SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(SELM__DCOCLK + SELS__DCOCLK); /* Select DCOCLK */ } else { SELECT_MCLK_SMCLK(SELM__DCOCLKDIV + SELS__DCOCLKDIV);/*Select DCODIVCLK*/ } __bis_SR_register(srRegisterState); /* Restore previous SCG0 */ } void Init_FLL_Settle(uint16_t fsystem, uint16_t ratio) { volatile uint16_t x = ratio * 32; Init_FLL(fsystem, ratio); while (x--) { __delay_cycles(30); } } int registerInterruptHandler(P_EVENT_HANDLER InterruptHdl , void* pValue) { pIraEventHandler = InterruptHdl; return 0; } void CC3100_disable() { P4OUT &= ~BIT1; } void CC3100_enable() { P4OUT |= BIT1; } void CC3100_InterruptEnable(void) { P2IES &= ~BIT7; P2IE |= BIT7; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART UCA0IE |= UCRXIE; #endif } void CC3100_InterruptDisable() { P2IE &= ~BIT7; #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART UCA0IE &= ~UCRXIE; #endif } void MaskIntHdlr() { IntIsMasked = TRUE; } void UnMaskIntHdlr() { IntIsMasked = FALSE; } /* void set_rts() { P1OUT |= BIT4; } void clear_rts() { P1OUT &= ~BIT4; } */ void initClk() { /* Set Vcore to accomodate for max. allowed system speed */ SetVCore(3); /* Use 32.768kHz XTAL as reference */ LFXT_Start(XT1DRIVE_0); /* Set system clock to max (25MHz) */ Init_FLL_Settle(25000, 762); SFRIFG1 = 0; SFRIE1 |= OFIE; /* Globally enable interrupts */ __enable_interrupt(); } void stopWDT() { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; } #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void Port1_ISR(void) { /* Context save interrupt flag before calling interrupt vector. */ /* Reading interrupt vector generator will automatically clear IFG flag */ switch (__even_in_range(P1IV, P1IV_P1IFG7)) { /* Vector P1IV_NONE: No Interrupt pending */ case P1IV_NONE: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG0: P1IV P1IFG.0 */ case P1IV_P1IFG0: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG1: P1IV P1IFG.1 */ case P1IV_P1IFG1: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG2: P1IV P1IFG.2 */ case P1IV_P1IFG2: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG3: P1IV P1IFG.3 */ case P1IV_P1IFG3: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG4: P1IV P1IFG.4 */ case P1IV_P1IFG4: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG5: P1IV P1IFG.5 */ case P1IV_P1IFG5: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG1: P1IV P1IFG.6 */ case P1IV_P1IFG6: break; /* Vector P1IV_P1IFG7: P1IV P1IFG.7 */ case P1IV_P1IFG7: break; /* Default case */ default: break; } } void Delay(unsigned long interval) { while(interval > 0) { __delay_cycles(25000); interval--; } } /*! \brief The IntSpiGPIOHandler interrupt handler \param[in] none \return none \note \warning */ #pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR __interrupt void IntSpiGPIOHandler(void) { switch(__even_in_range(P2IV, P2IV_P2IFG7)) { case P2IV_P2IFG7: #ifndef SL_IF_TYPE_UART if (pIraEventHandler) { pIraEventHandler(0); } #else if(puartFlowctrl->bRtsSetByFlowControl == FALSE) { clear_rts(); } #endif break; default: break; } } /*! \brief The UART A0 interrupt handler \param[in] none \return none \note \warning */ #pragma vector=USCI_A0_VECTOR __interrupt void CC3100_UART_ISR(void) { switch(__even_in_range(UCA0IV,0x08)) { case 0:break; /* Vector 0 - no interrupt */ case 2: /* Vector 2 - RXIF */ #ifdef SL_IF_TYPE_UART { UINT8 ByteRead; while((UCA0IFG & UCRXIFG) != 0); if(UCRXERR & UCA1STAT) { if(UCOE & UCA1STAT) { error_overrun = TRUE; } ASSERT_UART(0); } ByteRead = UCA0RXBUF; if(puartFlowctrl->bActiveBufferIsJitterOne == TRUE) { if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes > 0) { puartFlowctrl->JitterBuffer[puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx] = ByteRead; puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes--; puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx++; if((FALSE == IntIsMasked) && (NULL != pIraEventHandler)) { pIraEventHandler(0); } } else { if(P1OUT & BIT3) { ASSERT_UART(0); } } if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferFreeBytes <= UART_READ_JITTER_RTS_GUARD) { set_rts(); puartFlowctrl->bRtsSetByFlowControl = TRUE; } if(puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx > (UART_READ_JITTER_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) { puartFlowctrl->JitterBufferWriteIdx = 0; } } else { puartFlowctrl->pActiveBuffer[puartFlowctrl->ActiveBufferWriteCounter++] = ByteRead; } } #endif break; case 4:break; /* Vector 4 - TXIFG */ default: break; } }
Hi Ankur,
Yogev and I are trying for a while now to get this boosterpack working, but with no success.
I decided to read about the CC3100 from scratch and encountered this lines:
" During initialization, nHIB pin is asserted (to enable the device), while the nRESET pin is kept high. At this stage, HOST_IRQ pin should be driven low by the device until initialization is complete. During this time, and until HOST_IRQ is asserted for the first time, the host must not communicate with the device otherwise the communication with the device might not be established."
do we need to drive low the IRQ pin before we initiate with sl_start?
Thanks for your help so far,
I'm none the wiser from this thread. What exactly is the solution? I have the same problem with all of the getting_starteds - it just stops dead at the bit: marked HERE below
if( g_pCB->FD >= (_SlFd_t)0) { sl_DeviceDisable(); HERE-> sl_IfRegIntHdlr((SL_P_EVENT_HANDLER)_SlDrvRxIrqHandler, NULL); <-HERE g_pCB->pInitCallback = pInitCallBack; sl_DeviceEnable(); .... etc
Please excuse my lack of understanding. This is because I'm just getting started with these getting started examples and it's a bit difficult to get started with them if they don't work.