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sl_start(0,0,0) stuck

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3100BOOST, CC3100

We are currently porting our CC3000 code to CC3100. In order to verify the HW and SW we connected a CC3100BOOST to our device and removed the CC3000 from our device.

We observe now that after nHIB goes high, the IRQ goes high and after ~50ms back to low. Then the spi communication starts with a single write. This is followed by many reads until the device watchdog finally hits after some seconds.

Here you see the first SPI write:

Followed by many SP read (only clocks, no response from CC3100 for a many seconds)

I tried also the option with  sl_start(0,0, callback). The ISR is also triggered, but then no SPI communication occurs and the callback is never called.

Thank you in advance for your support.

  • In the meantime some questions arose that may be related to the problem. In the signal analysis above I used HOST_IRQ rising edge as with the CC3000.

    Documentation of CC_RegIntHdlr() in "user_template.h" tells only to register an interrupt handler for the HOST_IRQ but not if this handler shall be called on rising or falling edge or both. I read somewhere that when level interrupts are used, two additional functions (sl_IfMaskIntHdlr and sl_IfUnMaskIntHdlr) must be implemented but no more details were revealed either.
  • I am sorry, in the above post it should be written "the falling edge" as with the CC3000 .
    I meant, that I have also tried with rising edge but this did not work either.
  • Hi Christoph,

    Please see the Wiki page here:
    There is also an example in the CC3100 SDK called "spi_debug_tool" that should help narrow down the issue.

  • Dear Aaron

    I have consulted this document many times before I dared to start this support request.

    The only description related to my question in your hyperlink is the following:

    • sl_IfRegIntHdlr Register an interrupt handler routine for the Host IRQ
    • This line is active high, and can be treated as either edge or level (per host implementation).

    If this interrupt must be registered on the falling or rising edge is not described there.

    Also very confusing is the section that requires us to pull down the HOST_IRQ during initialzation. It meantions with no word, when this pulling down can end.

    Simmilar can be said about the spi_debug_tool. In several documents it is written about the debug tools. But I have nowhere found a documentation about it. Just refering a SDK is not enough in my opinion. With other words you ask me browse a zip file, lookup a file and reverse engineer it to find out how to use it. All this, just to find out what is wrong with my device? Probably I would have to port these debug tools first to my plattform, just to get stuck somewhere else.

    Could you please provide me with information about the debug tool?

    My hope was, that my logic analyzer graphs would reveal the source of the problem.



  • Dear Aaron

    In the meantime I have found the debug tool in the SDK and ported the code to your platform.
    Its output is as follows:

    Spi Test Begin
    Spi Open Passed
    Device Disable Passed
    Device Enable Passed
    Host IRQ Passed
    Spi Write Passed

    The next step should be a reading but it never ends because the CC3100 never responds.

    By the way:

    There is a problem with the debug tool. The variable g_irqCounter should be defined voltatile:

    volatile int g_irqCounter = 0;

    otherwise the loop in TestSpi() never ends because the variable is incremented in IRQ context (DiagIrqHandler) and the optimizer of certain compilers optimize the loop in a way that loop never ends.

    I am still in the middle of nowhere. The CC3100 does not respond. It is blocked in the SPI_read test.

    Do you suppose the CC3100 is broken when there is no signal on the MISO?

  • Hello Aron

    I have still the problem that the all spi read from CC3100 show no reaction.

    How would you expect the CC3100 startup precedure to be? Shall MISO be driven high after startup or after asserting CS?
    It is always 0 and therefore the read never succeeds.
  • May it be a problem that there is a small spike of nHib at startup @0s,

    or that spi clock speed is only 2 MHz?

  • Christoph,

    I noticed from your waveform, the SPI is not in mode 0 like the CC3100 requires...
  • Hello Aron

    You are right. Thank you for this valuable hint.

    CC3000 works with CPHA = 1 (found in

    CC3100 instead with CPHA = 0 (swru386.pdf)

    Wouldn't it be great to find this info for example in swra470.pdf or

    Why did TI change the clock phase CPHA for a successor of CC3000?

    Now the first spi write looks like this:

    but all following reads look like that: (means no resonse from CC3100)


    Christoph Speck

  • Hello Aron

    Your are right. Thank you for this valuable hint.

    CC3000 works with CPHA = 1 (found in

    CC3100 instead with CPHA = 0 (swru386.pdf)

    Wouldn't it be great to find this info for example in swra470.pdf or

    Now the first spi write looks like this:

    but all following reads look like that: (means no resonse from CC3100)


    Christoph Speck

  • Christoph,

    You can re-edit any of your existing Forum posts by clicking on the "More" button and then the "Edit" option. Feel free to use that should you need to update or change anything.

    Hopefully here with your questions as well you got all the information that you needed.


  • Dear Aron

    The small spike at FW startup was due to J5 on CC3100Boost. This problem is solved.

    I captured the signal on the CC3100Boost when running the TI Radio Tool GUI and found a completely different startup behavior.

    After asserting nHib the CC3100 signals the HOST_IRQ after approx. 85ms.

    When the same CC3100Boost is connected to our own HW the startup is very fast (approx. 1 ms)

    With the effect, that the CC3100 does not deassert the HOST_IRQ after receiving the Sync Word. With the effect that MISO is always low.

    May it be problematic that MOSI is high before nHIB goes high? Shouldn't be the case because CS is high too!

  • SPI Test succeeded finally.

    Our problem was that we had a CC3000 in parallel to a CC3100. We expected the CC3000 to be silent because of its SS pulled to high. This is evidently wrong because the SS only affects the SPI lines but not the Host IRQ.

    The nHIB on CC3100 was the Wifi_EN on CC3000.
    The HOST_IRQ was then driven high by CC3000.

    sl_Start(NULL, NULL, NULL) works now!