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Hi All,
Now, I am porting host driver interface with TI CC3100 on CC2650 through SPI interface. I have trouble when call sl_Start(0, 0, 0) to initialize device CC3100 (I have CC3100BOOST module), it is stuck in "_SlDrvSyncObjWaitForever(&g_pCB->ObjPool[ObjIdx].SyncObj)". I referred many topic in Forums, they indicate that pin IRQ not assert, seem my Host MCU can not receive IRQ signal from CC3100. But, I dont know that this problem cause by CC3100 or esle. I'm not sure. I have connected IRQ, nHIB, SPI pins of CC3100BOOST with CC2650 SmartRF06 EB.
Please tell me why?
Hi Mr. Aaron,
I checked IRQ pin on CC3100BOOST module and, I don't assert. I dont know why. What's happen with CC3100?