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CCS/CC3200: sl_start stuck

Part Number: CC3200

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I was reading many post for hours but nothing solved my Problem:

I am trying to start the mqtt_client demo from the 1.3.0 SDK and servicepack_1.0.1.11-

sl_start gets stuck in 

         _SlReturnVal_t retVal;
            retVal = _SlDrvSyncObjWaitTimeout(&g_pCB->ObjPool[ObjIdx].SyncObj,

This was discussed many times, but I still don't know what to do. Is there a bug in the simplelink lib? I also used the os_debug Version, but still the same Problem.

Thanx in Prior an sorry for asking this question again, but I am real lost with this Problem 

  • Hi Clemens,

    Please start by following the Getting Started guide (
    This should take past the basic bringup issues you are facing.
    Are you using the debugger (JTAG) to run the application or is it program in the flash?
    If you use the debugger, try to delete image on the flash.
    Check carefully the SOP settings.

  • Hi Kobi,

    thanks for the quick reply. I'll take a look at the starter guide. May be, I need to rebuild the driver and rtos lib.

    Is there any compatibility problem with the CC3200 rev 3.2 (first generation) kits? I bought my MCU a couple of years ago and everything worked right out of the box. 



  • Hi Clemens,

    Yes, there is compatibility issue. Kits with preproduction silicone (as yours 3.2) does not support latest SDK and ServicePack. You need to stay at SDK 1.1.0 or buy new one.

    Please see

  • Hi Jan,

    thank you very much for the hint!

    That really saved me a lot of time, otherwise I would have just keept trying to get it up running, evening by evening ....

    Thank you :-)

    Greetings from Hamburg Germany!
