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CC3100: PORT of CC3100 driver with stm32f4 with HAL Drivers

Part Number: CC3100


Can anyone share any example or project for CC3100 driver for stm32f4 with noOS for hal drivers with the given SDK stm32 example i am not able to work



  • Part Number: CC3100


    i am getting error of 

    Error[Pe059]: function call is not allowed in a constant expression E:\ti\workspace\iar\cc3100Stm32F4\Src\wi-fi\simplelink\include\wlan.h 598

    at  #if _SL_INCLUDE_FUNC(sl_WlanDisconnect)


    Error[Pe020]: identifier "SlDeviceEvent_t" is undefined E:\ti\workspace\iar\cc3100Stm32F4\Src\wi-fi\WiFiMgr.h 17

    where i am gone wrong

    Thank you


  • Hi Jagath,

    Did you copy the Drivers folder to the CC3100 SDK? The STM32 bring-up guide is in the docs/examples folder of the SDK:

    I verified both stm32discovery projects provided in the SDK should compile.

    Best regards,


  • Part Number: CC3100


    i am trying to configure cc3100 to ap mode host is stm32 (Non os) and the board is custom board but i followed the procedure simplelink stm32 example but it is stuck in this loop 

    if (ROLE_AP == mode)
    /* If the device is in AP mode, we need to wait for this event before doing anything */
    while(!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_Status)) { _SlNonOsMainLoopTask(); }

    thank you


  • Hi Jagath,

    Are you running the getting_started_with_wlan_ap example from the SDK? Do you have the latest servicepack flashed? Please see:

    Best regards,


  • hii sarah

    i am using spi communication.

    STM32 and cc3100 custom board 

    it is getting out of this loop present in configureSimpleLinkToDefaultState()

    if (ROLE_AP == mode)
    /* If the device is in AP mode, we need to wait for this event before doing anything */
    while(!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_Status)) { _SlNonOsMainLoopTask(); }

    Thank you


  • Hi Jagath,

    1. What example are you running?
    2. Have you flashed the latest service pack?

    Best regards,


  • hii Sarah

    i am using stm32f446z as the controller. The example is from cc3100 sdk 1.3.0 stm32f4 discovery ap example. i am stuck in 

    if (ROLE_STA != mode)
    if (ROLE_AP == mode)
    /* If the device is in AP mode, we need to wait for this event before doing anything */
    while(!IS_IP_ACQUIRED(g_Status)) { _SlNonOsMainLoopTask(); }

    inside configureSimpleLinkToDefaultState() function and uart shows [general event]

    i have not flashed the latest service pack.

    With the same setup and with freeRtos i can able to drive the cc3100 in AP and STA mode but without FreeRtos i am not able get..

    Thank you


  • Hi Jagath,

    Have you made any changes to the getting_started_with_wlan_ap example or to the Wi-Fi host driver?

    What changes have you made to run this example with FreeRTOS?

    Best regards,
