Texas Instruments (TI) Wi-Fi® support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search Wi-Fi® IC content or ask technical support questions on everything from FIPS Security to dual band support, IoT low power, and Wi-Fi module support. Find the right solution for your circuit design challenges by using our TI E2E™ support forums that are supported by thousands of contributing TI experts.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , SYSCONFIG These guidelines are intended to provide a reference for all stages of development using TI Wi-Fi Connectivity products.
These guidelines contain the following topics:
Step 0: Learn the technology
I'd like a better understanding of device specific items within TI-RTOS (SYS/BIOS) in regards to ARM CortexM (e.g. TM4C, CC32xx, MSP432, CC13xx, CC26xx, etc.).
Q1) What Is WPA3
A1) WPA3 is the next generation Wi-Fi® security standard. It stands for Wi-Fi® Protected Access, with “3” being the most recent iteration. It is the replacement to the current Wi-Fi® security standard, WPA2.
The Simplelink Wi-Fi plugin contains an old version of the host driver. How do I update it to have the latest bug fixes and features?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , CC3235MODSF Problem: Currently, online Sysconfig does not generate the correct source files for CC32XXMOD devices. Customers who try to use the ti_drivers_config files for MOD devices generated by Sysconfig will…