I use 1 CC2652 as coordinator, 35 CC2652 as routers, 1 CC2340R5 as another router.
In my CC2340R5 project, ZB_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE was defined as 36, so it should show 36 entries in the link status message, that's what I see from CC2652 router, with the first link staus message contains 26 entries, the second one contains 10 entries.
the sniff log is in attachmemt, the CC2340R5 network address is 0x9128.
Hi Senjin,
The most likely cause is that the CC2340R5 is limiting its link status messages to one report every interval. 26 link status entries (3 bytes per entry) creates a total packet size of 125 bytes which is 2 bytes less than the maximum (127) allowed for the IEEE 802.15.4 Specification.
I am also seeing a lot of duplicate entries (0x3914 in the screenshot above) which is concerning. This may also be affected by the allowable ZB_NWK_ROUTING_TABLE_SIZE if less than ZB_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE. I will pass these observations to the Zigbee R&D Team for further review.
That said, one benefit of Zigbee mesh networking is the ability to use hops to communicate application packets across a network. I recommend that you limit the ZB_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE such that only the closest routers with the strongest links are accepted as neighbors to the CC2340R5.
This behavior has been reproduced and reported to ZBOSS developers so that it may be addressed. TI's examples are using the ZBOSS Configurable Memory feature, because of that the customer should use the zb_mem_config_lprf3.h file to set ZB_CONFIG_OVERALL_NETWORK_SIZE. That will configure the neighbor and all related tables based on that define.