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Hi all,
I found another incompatibility problem between the CC2530 using Z-Stack 2.5.1a and Digi XBee-Pro modules. It appears that the NWK leave command from the Digi modules is rejected by the CC2530. However, an almost identical message from a CC2530 coordinator using Z-Stack 2.5.1a is accepted. The difference between the two messages is that CC2530 provides the destination IEEE address but the digi modules do not. I looked in the Zigbee 2007 standard on page 325, section, and it states that the destination IEEE address sub-field will be used "if and only if the command frame is not broadcast". So, it appears that TI's Z-Stack does the correct thing according to the Zigbee standard, but this makes it incompatible with Digi XBee-Pro modules.
I found this problem described in TI blogs at the following location: . Regarding the Z-Stack code, I also concluded that NLME_LeaveCmdProcess does not call NLME_LeaveInd as it should. When the Z-Stack coordinator sent the NWK leave, NLME_LeaveInd was called from NLME_LeaveCmdProcess. If you look closely at the NWK leave message you will also see that there is no destination IEEE address included.
I described another incompatibility issue in a prior blog - I fixed this using a hack in mac_rx.c's rxFcsIsr function to detect an incompatible message and change it to be compatible. I think I can get around this by detecting the lack of destination IEEE address and calling ZDApp_LeaveReset within rxFcsIsr. Inserting a field into the received message would be kind of insane. It would be nice to have the Z-Stack source to make the change.
Jeremy Dwyer
(Sorry if the pictures are a little hard to see)
Digi Module NWK Leave
TI Coord NWK Leave
Hi Jeremy,
Starting from the latest Z-Stack release (Z-Stack Lighting 1.0), the stack accepts leave commands even if they do not include the IEEE address. You may try use this release, or wait for the upcoming releases which will include other profiles and sample applications.
Thank you for the reply. We want to be compatible with a legacy system that uses the Zigbee 2007 standard, and Z-Stack Lighting now uses Zigbee 2012. I assume they are incompatible, but please warn me if I am wrong.
I was able to detect at the mac level when the NWK_LEAVE message arrives and do something appropriate with it, so I have a workaround at least.
I'm not expecting incompatibility issues. Both version should be inter-operable. Anyhow, if you have a local solution for the issue, and this is the only issue you are currently bothered with, it may be better to use this solution instead of doing a whole version upgrade... Having said that, it is generally recommended to regularly update to the latest stack release, since it includes bug fixes for issues that may surface in the future.
Hi OD, I'm happy to find a recent thread about xbee and cc2530 compatibility .
Do you know if the upcoming release of zstack will loosen the restriction that breaks cc2530 nodes from connecting to xbee coords mentioned here:
or do you have any knowledge of fixes which will allow cc2530 nodes to connect to xbee coordinators?
thanks !