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Unable to program cc3200 with UniFlash

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200, UNIFLASH



I am getting an error while programming CC3200 using CCSUniFlash. In the console it is showing error message as “ERROR: ---reading ACK signal failed---”.


I have gone through the fixes already discussed in the forum but still problem is there. Have attached board pic and console messages for verification.


Please help in this regard.




  • Hi Parag,

    Can you please follow the step below just to be usre and let me know:

    1. make sure no other utility grabs the COM port
    2. Is the FTDI recognized on Windows Device Manager? If so, can you provide Device Manager capture so I can see the COM ports?
    3. SOP2 jumper should be connected during flashing. Is it connected?
    4. Reset should be applied automatically. However, it sometimes doesn't work. Can you try pressing reset button manually as well

      You should press the reset when the following messages apear:

      DEBUG: de-asserting nHib
      DEBUG: wait for ack

    5. can you perform a quick FTDI functionality test as follows? In this test a loopback is applied on the correct COM port and characters typed on a terminal emulator connected to the same board should get echoed back. on LaunchPad board, identify J6 and J7 jumpers. By default these jumpers should be connected on FLASH. Disconnect the two jumpers and connect J6 to J7 as closest to the FTDI chipset. Attached picture describes the connction.

      Reset the board, open a terminal emulator and start typing characters. If these characters are looped back, FTDI is functional and you should restore the setup back to its default working state.
    6. Have you probed power levels?
      1. Voltage on VDD_ANA1 should be around 1.9V
      2. Voltage on VDD_DIG1 should be around 1.2V
      3. Voltage on VDD_ANA2 should be around 3.3V
    7. Lastly, it is best to test whether it is possible to work with the device in debug mode, via JTAG lines (and not UART lines).
      Please open any project from the SDK that involves interaction with the device (i.e. includes the sl_start() API) using your chosen IDS (CCS, IAR, GDB, other). Compile the project, load it into the device and get to the sl_start() API. Execute this line. Can you work in debug?


  • Hi Shlomi,
    Thanks for your reply.

    Test Steps 1 & 2:
    I am able to see COM port on device manager.

    Test Step 3:

    SOP2 is also connected.

    Below is the console logs but I don't see any DEBUG: prints as mentioned by you in Test Step 4:.
    Test Step 5: 
    Loop back is successfully tested. I am able to see characters echoed back on the terminal. It means FTDI chip should not be a problem.
    Test Step 6:
    Power levels are also proper.  That means cc3200 chip also should not be a problem.
    Test Step 7:
    Which emulator is supported on CC3200 chip ? 
    I have Black Hawk emulator which is not supported by the chipset. Will try to test with other emulator also.
    If problem still persists, Can I contact TI office in Bangalore India for board trouble shooting ?  
    If possible, can you please give me a concerned person's contact number here in bangalore office.

  • Hi,

    To open extra debug log, you need to open this option as appears here:

    It is important to understand if you can work in debug. The SDK contains mainly CCS/IAR workspaces for you to try out. You do not need a separate HW for emulation. All you need is to connect to the micro USB and execute. JTAG is emulated over FTDI. Please check.

    If you are still experiencing issues, next step is to offer a board replacement.


  • Hi Shlomi,

    Code is going into exit after executing sl_start() API. PFB snapshot.



  • Parag,

    What example code are you using?

    Can you choose one with no OS? for example, file_operations.


  • Hi,

    Any update on the post?


  • Hi Shlomi,

    Below is the execution of sl_start API in without OS and with OS scenarios -

    With no OS -

    sl_start is executed successfully.

    With OS -

    Task is exited.



  • OK. so it works well with no OS.

    The only reason I can think of is if you are invoking sl_start() from the main() before kicking osi_start().

    While working in OS environment where the simplelink library is built for multi threaded environmen, a thread is required to be running in order to process the events from NWP for any simelink API to work.

    Can you tell where sl_start() is invoked from?


  • Hi Shlomi,

    In my application (with OS) sl_start is called from WlanStationMode task. In the task ConfigureSimpleLinkToDefaultState function is called which is returning -7 error and the application got stuck in a while loop.

    I have also tried LED toggle application (blinky) but LEDs were not blinking. Even the interrupt from the switches (SW2 or SW3) are not received in interrupt handler. I am able to step debug the application but it seems like GPIOs are not functional.

    I have another cc3200 board where the same application is running successfully. Is it a problem with the cc3200 controller ?



  • Hi,

    The -7 error code on sl_start() indicates something is wrong with the serial flash.

    It can be either not powered or not connected well (broken).

    What I suggest is to use Uniflash and format the serial flash. Then just program the service pack again and try your application.

    Let me know the result.



    I am unable to format it. See below the console logs.







  • Parag,

    Are you sure you don't have a terminal emulation openned on the same COM port, the SOP2 is connected and you are trying to connect to the right COM port?

    If so, you mentioned having another working board. Can you try with the other board, but just click the Get Version button and check that you can communicate with the board.

    In any case, I cannot see why you are able to work with non OS (at least pass the sl_start phase) but with OS you cannot.


  • Hi Shlomi ,

    It would be great if you can help me to sort out the similar issue I have with CC3200 flashing . I have read your earlier post and 

    follow the steps and collect information in the attached pdf file.  Basically ,my cc3200 launchpad shows com port,can do ftdi loop-back on terminal server ,can load debug program for example like blinky and i2c_demo. Though I have yet to follow your newest test to do stepping in debug mode. Please advise(let me know if you can or not read the pdf resport of my testing results)

    Thanks and best regards,



  • Randy,

    Can you please open a new post? It will most likely get back to me but just to have it on s separate thread for tracking.


  • Hi Shlomi,

    Port is detecting properly. I have attached board pic for connection verification. I am able to read version from working board but non-working board is giving the same error. When I power up the board (non-working) then GPIO 10 (LED10) is always high. It seems like a problem with the controller ports. 

    Can I give this board to local TI office for hardware level troubleshooting or can we have a replacement ?



  • Parag,

    The procedure is that a TI representative is contacting you offline (to an Email address you provided when registering). Then, you should get a coupon from TI eStore that enables you to get a replacement board.



  • Hi Shlomi,

    I haven't received any mail from TI representative. Can you please check on this so that we can process it faster ?



  • Hi Shlomi ,

    Thanks for your reply ,I can post again to open a new thread if that could be a better way for you.

    Thanks ,

    Randy Hong

  • Hi Shlomi Itzhak,

    I am also facing similar problem, but on custom board. We built a prototype using CC3200. This product is intended to go for mass manufacturing.  Sometime, we are getting following error when we try to flash the code. Sometime it works fine. The failure rate is more. We work around to succeed such as reset the board, recycle the power and so on. I referred reference schematic to make my own and also referred TI's layout to make my own. I have attached schematic and and board file as well. It will be helpful if you guess what could be wrong in programming the code consistently.

