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GPIO trouble on a F28335

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28335, CONTROLSUITE


I'm using a TMS320F28335 on a custom board. There's a JTAG interface which I access using a Spectrum Digital XDS510PP. I'm running a big program out of RAM which runs just fine. The board features a self-made "8-GPIO-to-64-IO"-Circuit, which is controlled by GPIO54-GPIO61. Lately I came to realize that the necessary control-routine for those GPIOs seems to have an error. So I started troubleshooting it. Unfortunately I can't find any mistakes in the code and if the CCS 3.3 Watch-Window is right, the controller doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Instead it causes some outputs to be set/reset when they shouldn't.

The sourcecode:


void IOMux_Write_Bit(Uint16 u16_address, Uint16 u16_bit, Uint16 u16_value)

//u16_address: value between 0 and 7

//u16_bit: value between 0 and 7

//u16_value: value between 0 and 1

#ifndef HDR2_GPIO
#ifdef HDR3_GPIO     //necessary defines for proper operation

//Variables for testing...
Uint32 ui32_address = 0;
Uint32 ui32_bit = 0;
Uint32 ui32_value = 0;
Uint32 Temp_Mask = 0;

ui32_address = (Uint32)u16_address;            //cast here, so I can check whether the cast worked fine...
ui32_bit = (Uint32)u16_bit;
ui32_value = (Uint32)u16_value;

Joetest10 = u16_address;      //save input variables to global variables for watchwindow
Joetest11 = u16_bit;
Joetest12 = u16_value;

Joetest323 = ui32_address;    //save internal variables to global variables for watchwindow
Joetest324 = ui32_bit;
Joetest325 = ui32_value;

 if((u16_address == 6) && (u16_bit == 7) && (u16_value==0))
    Joetest3++;      //count, how often the correct instruction (Address = 6, Bit = 7, Value = 0) is called

//Clear GPIO57 (--> disables Address-Enable-Slave)
 GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.bit.GPIO57 = 1;     
 asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");     //wait --> for timing purposes 

 //Clear all bits of Multiplexer-Control-Circuits (GPIO54-GPIO61)
GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.all = 0x3FC00000;
asm(" RPT #5 || NOP");

//Calculate Mask for addressing of Output-Latch-Slave-IC via GPB
Temp_Mask = ui32_address << 26;

 Joetest321 = Temp_Mask;      //copy mask to global register to watch in watch window
 GpioDataRegs.GPBSET.all = Temp_Mask;  //Set corresponding bits to activate Output-Latch-Slave-Address (GPIO58 - GPIO60)

asm(" RPT #30 || NOP");      //wait --> for timing purposes 

 //Clear again the bits of the Bit-Address-Bus (redundant)
GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.all = 0x01C00000;
asm(" RPT #2 || NOP");

 //Calculate the mask of the corresponding bits for the Bit-Address-Bus
Temp_Mask = ui32_bit << 22;
asm(" RPT #30 || NOP");     //wait --> for timing purposes 
 Joetest322 = Temp_Mask;    //copy mask to global register to watch in watch window
 GpioDataRegs.GPBSET.all = Temp_Mask;    //Set corresponding bits to activate the Bit-Address-Bus (GPIO54-GPIO56)

//Set the data-pin if it should be set (value != 0) or clear it, if value is 0

if(ui32_value != 0)
GpioDataRegs.GPBSET.bit.GPIO61 = 1;
GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.bit.GPIO61 = 1;
asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");

 // Set data-pin as output
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBDIR.bit.GPIO61 = 1;
asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");

 //activate latch-function of the addressed slave
GpioDataRegs.GPBSET.bit.GPIO57 = 1;

 asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");


//Testing: check if address == 6, bit == 7 and value = 0

if((GpioDataRegs.GPBDAT.all & 0x3FC00000) == 0x1BC00000) 
Joetest5 = u16_address;    //copy input variables to another global variable for watch window to become amazed
 Joetest6 = u16_bit;             
Joetest7 = u16_value;

  Joetest4++;            //count, whenever this configuration occured --------> BREAKPOINT updating watch window

 // Deactivate latch-function of addressed slave
GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.bit.GPIO57 = 1;

 asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");

 //Protect GPIO by putting it into input-state
GpioCtrlRegs.GPBDIR.bit.GPIO61 = 0;


What the watch-window says at the breakpoint:


Joetest10 = 6 and Joetest323  = 6  (both at start of the routine and correct)   <------> Joetest 5 = 0  should be the same ( = 6)


Joetest11 = 7 and Joetest323 = 7 (both at start of the routine and correct)  <------->Joetest6 = 0..7 should also be the same ( = 7)


Joetest12 = 1 and Joetest324 = 1 (both at start of the routine and correct) <-------> Joetest7 = 0 should be the same ( = 1)


I think I should mention that the condition: if((GpioDataRegs.GPBDAT.all & 0x3FC00000) == 0x1BC00000)  means: address = 6, bit = 7, value = 0... This routine is repeatedly called with different configurations, but NEVER (except for 4 times on purpose at the start of the whole program) with address = 6, bit = 7 and value = 0 at the same time! In fact, it's called with address = 6, bit = 7 and value = 1 very often within a loop. It seems that this error randomly occurs while the program is running... every 3 seconds, sometimes two or three errors at once...

 The masks for the addresses and bits (Temp_Mask shown via Joetest321 and Joetest 322): Most of the time correct (0b00011000... and 0b000000111000...), but sometimes just plain wrong (Joetest322 = 0 or something else...)

I double-checked whether any of those GPIOs (54-61) is used somewhere else (they aren't), whether my global variables are manipulated somewhere else (they aren't) and whether my GPIOs are initialized correctly (they are). And: the DSP doesn't seem to be damage, as I have the same problem on another board...


So, can anybody tell me, what this DSP is doing? Because it definitely should do something else...

I appreciate any help.