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Audio amp to drive 2.3ohm speaker

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPA2005D1, LM48312, LM48310

I need an audio amp, mono, that can drive up to 50mA into a 2.3ohm custom speaker, (115mV).
VCC will be 3.45V-3V.
Analog input will be centered at 1.25V

This is a battery powered device so it needs to be very low Iq, small space, and high efficiency.
I appreciate your suggestions.

  • I've pinged my colleague to help you on this. You may want to use the audio product search tool for the meantime since most people are on vacation. 



  • Hi Ed,

    For this application we have a few amplifiers to choose from. All have very low Iq of around 2.8mA and would be good battery powered candidates.

    1. TPA2005D1 Mono Class-D w/ shutdown. Gain externally configured using resistors
    2. LM48312 Mono Class-D w/ shutdown. Gain controlled by a gain pin with appropriate resistor.
    3. LM48310 Mono Class-D W/ shutdown Fixed Gain, available system Clock sync.


