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TAS5754M example code

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5754M

I used the purepath to dump the .h file from the TAS5754M, it generates a register table and example code. but I can not understand the example code.  

as there is different pages, and each page has the same address register. I don't know how to write the data to a particular page and register. 

is there more example code can share?

  • Hi, Kim,

    Welcome to e2e, and thanks for your interest in our products.

    Sorry you are having difficulty. We have an app note that discusses this in detail. You can find it here.

    Let us know if you still have questions after reviewing this app note.


  • HI, Don Dapkus

    Thank you for your reply.   actually I have read this app note before. but I still have some confusion. for example, if I change the biquad, how to export the .h file only include this changed biquad part? because use the pure path dump file, it export the whole registers of the TAS5754.

  • Hi, Kim,

    There is no way to separate out a particular part of the configuration like your example. In that case, you could compare the two output files and see the changes from on to the other.
