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LME49811 EOL?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3886, LM4766, OPA1632, TPA3250

Is LME49811 is on EOL?  officials please confirm? as we have frozen the designs and about to start mass production using these parts..

  • Hello Sandeep,

    We are looking for this information and will post it back once we find something.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Sr Diego Melendez:

    Good morning.

    It´s inacceptable delay in response. We are need response about that. For work us with ampifiers in Class D, with major respect, is garbage. Please help us.
  • Hello Omar,

    My apologies for this unexpected delay, this post fell through the cracks. Last year we received notice of several LMxxx devices being shown as EOL so we looked for the cause and posted an announcement explaining the situation. Unfortunately some of the LM devices got caught up in an unavoidable technology process-node end of life. fortunately we can support orders for the device through the LTB date of 28 Sept 16, and can ship product through 28 March 2017.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. 

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Diego, buenas tardes.

    Supongo que habla español y nos podemos entender mucho mejor en nuestro idioma.

    Primero que todo lo felicito que un latino, esté en ese cargo, me complace mucho como Colombiano.

    Ya entiendo lo que me expone en el tema de producción tecnológica. El problema es el siguiente, primero saber si podemos contar con Texas para nuestros desarrollos.
    El segundo, que el TINA, tenga los modelos LM3886, LM4766, LME49810, 811 y 830, incluidos, porque cuando uno los carga desde la página web, NO FUNCIONAN. Dicen que son encriptados y no podemos modelar nada. Entiéndame, no podemos trabajar con las uñas.
    Tercero, si van a sacar modelos nuevos que sean clase AB, NADA de reemplazo de Clase D, eso, con el mayor respeto, eso es basura, eso es para mediocres proyectos que le faltan el respeto a la señal de audio en todos los aspectos, eso es para un MP3, pero no para un CD y si que menos para un archivo en FLAC. No tiene sentido desarollar un OPA1632 para ponerlo de entrada a un Clase D, en nuestro idioma: Eso es una abominación.

    Por ello quiero saber si seguirán vigentes para invertir tiempo y dinero. Que es para beneficio mutuo. Y por último saber cuándo lso tendremos disponibles de Mouser o Digi-Key.

    De nuevo me place saludarlo, no tome nada a personal, yo vendo en Colombia parlantes de talla mundial y equipos de clase mundial ( Focal, naim, Bowers, Ayre, Monitor Audio, etc) y cuando uno ve desaparecer productos tan notables como la serie LME o el LM4702, tiene que presentar protesta.

    Un cordial y respetuoso saludo,

    Omar Dueñas. 

    Omar Dueñas.
    Integrador en Audio, Video e Internet.
    PBX (57) 1 6244185, Móvil (57) 3 102587134.
    Bogotá D.C., Colombia, Sur América.

    P Antes de imprimir este correo, tenga presente su responsabilidad con el medio ambiente.

  • Hi,

        I will answer in English via google translate, so apologies if the answer seems a bit strange. I see that you are concerned about class D amplifiers not sounding as good as class AB amplifiers, as someone who likes the sound of either error correcting, like QUAD 405, or class A designs, I have a concern at the loss of audio parts.  With class D it depends on the implementation, like all designs it can vary to very bad to very good. I bought a Tripath based amplifier and was amazed at how good it sounded, certainly good enough for the second system but not good enough for the main system based on the QUAD 405, except made with complementary outputs, high spec op-amp LME49710, polycarbonate capacitors, hand wound air cored coils etc, yes I am in need of a life!.  The point being class D is not necessarily bad, both Devialet in B&O with their ICEPOWER modules can make class D that sounds good.  I am sufficiently intrigued to be looking at the TPA3250, just for fun, the spec looks quite good and I am intrigued to hear how it sounds, it may be possible to add an error correcting stage round it to reduce distortion levels even further. I would not expect it to exceed the performance of a well implemented LME49810 without error correction but would it expect it to outperform the LM3886 and LM4766. Hope this helps and have fun experimenting.