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LME49870 EOL?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LME49860, OPA1622, LME49600, LME49720

I was just looking at Mouser today and they list the LME49870 as EOL! Help! I need that chip! What am I going to use to replace it? I don't want a dual chip! I need a single one like this that has the performance of the LME49710 but runs on +/-22VDC. Please say it ain't so! 

  • Likewise, the LME49860 is listed at Mouser as EOL! What is going on?!?! These are GREAT chips!
  • It looks like TI is discontinuing all of the 44V LME line, is that right? Why? They are outstanding products and I need them! You don't have any suitable replacement part!
  • Hello Dirk,

    Welcome to E2E, Thanks for your comments, we will investigate about this and let you know the status of the situation. 


      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • This is from a portion of an email I received today from TI:


    After further research, it appears the information has not been updated on the TI site(or with some of our Authorized Distributors) as the lift time buy date has just been put into place. Please see the orderable PN's below that have a LTB.

    LME49610TS/NOPB, LME49600TS/NOPB, LME49870MA/NOPB, LME49860MA/NOPB, LME49860NA/NOPB, LME49720MA/NOPB, LME49720NA/NOPB, LME49710MA/NOPB, LME49710NA/NOPB, LME49710MAX/NOPB  = LTB expires Sep 28 2016"

    What is a "lift time buy date"? Is that the date these parts become obsolete? 

    If so, why would TI make them obsolete? They are outstanding parts that have no equivalent anywhere else. My business is built around some of these parts so I am extremely disappointed if TI is making them obsolete. 

  • Hi, Dirk,

    Sorry that we missed your post. Please see this announcement for more information.


  • Don,

    I just wrote you in a another thread regarding the LME49860. The announcement you link to above was sent to me by Digi Key in October. Unfortunately, nothing from BB or TI (or any one else) can replace these parts.

    Here is part of my other posting: "While only one version (LME49860MAX/NOPB) is shown as "Active", there are none in existence for the last > 2 months anywhere, including TI & all Distros. This dual OpAmp has great performance including: +/-22V operating V, behaves well with capacitive loads, and can drive 600 Ohm Loads all day at ~40 Vp-p while meeting spec."

    Why would TI, who has a Unique, Premier, Audio Op Amp line (LME series), discontinue it without a replacement?

    Since the BB parts generally sell for more than the National parts, keep the National parts and raise the price! Maybe they don't teach this type of logic to "Bean Counters" anymore.

    If you can, please give me an email to whoever can change TI's decision.

    Imre Csaszar
  • I was told that TI is discontinuing a particular process used to make these chips, and that was the reason for discontinuing them. I guess it's the Excalibur process? I don't know. There are many people upset about this though, including myself. 

  • Well lookie here: the OPA1622 was just announced.  Not quite the same as the 44 V "LME"s, but it looks like a real contender!

  • The DIP-8 version of the LME49710, and the LME49600 Buffer are EOL now, too! :( What gives?

  • that's a good chip for headphone applications, but making sure that the thermal pad is soldered well would be difficult for the small business user. using solder paste and a heat gun is the only way with this chip. 

  • TI is apparently discontinuing a process used to make those chips, so that's why they are EOL. I use them a lot, and now I have to redesign everything because of their decision. Oh well...
  • I just went to order some LME49600's and LME49720's from Mouser and they are out of stock! they demand min order of 135 pieces for the 600 and 200 pieces for the 720! Texas Instruments, what have you done?!?! You really screwed up! These are popular chips!!! 

  • Hi, Dirk,

    Sorry for the trouble...

    It looks like Arrow has a few pieces of the LME49720 in DIP, and Neward has a few pieces of the LME49600.

  • We could take bets on how long they are in stock there.... Also, we could take bets on how long it takes the Chinese to make a knock off.... haha. 

    My feeling is that it won't be long now.... 

    This does not seem like a wise business decision on the part of TI, but I'm not in charge....