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Some questions about Purepath Console Mother Board

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TAS5766M

Hi folks,

I have some questions about PPCMB.

1. Which version can use external I2S without rework?

2. Revision history mentioned we fixed analog input noise at RevF, My customer is asking me that he measure THD+N is high on TAS5766 with analog input. Is it caused by this analog noise?

3. How to apply RevF PPCMB?

Thanks for anything you can provide.



  • Hi Will,

    About question 1 and 3, You may take a look to this wiki entry. If you are using an AP, you may also select Optical input on PPC3. PPCMB RevF should be shipped right now when ordering the board, I received one a few weeks ago. 

    My colleague will take a look to your second question, but will be able to get back to you early next week.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,

    I got Rev.F but I still can't use external I2S thru PPC3(Optical Input) using TAS5766M Dual.

    It works with USB In.

    I can measure I2S waveform on TP MCLK(12.288MHz), BCLK(3.072MHz), WCLK(48kHz) and DIN.

    Here is my setting on AP and EVM:

    Could you show the external I2S setting?

    Thank you.



  • Hi Will,

    Optical input should work with PPCMB and PPC3, maybe you need to use a special mode in AP interface (I have the older SW version so I don't know how to configure it with your AP :) ). You can check if the Optical interface is correct if blue LOCK LED close to OPTO_IN connector is turned ON when connecting optical source from AP. 

    Best Regards, 

      -Diego Meléndez López  
       Audio Applications Engineer