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We design, develop and manufacture audio hardware.

Our team has been working with Purepath.

After going through the software manifest, we still have a licensing related question:

We want to include DSP flows from Purepath (Linux drivers) with our hardware based on PCM5142. Under what license we can release the DSP flows?


Thank you for getting back to us at your earliest convenience.




  • Hi, Andre,

    Sorry for the delay and confusion regarding your post. I have escalated this to the Audio Apps Manager to get his help to get you an answer.
  • Thank you Don, I am also in touch with Justin Bohr, whatever you guys can do will be greatly appreciated so we can move forward.
  • Hello Andre!

    Thanks for your patience!  We have had to pull in our legal compliance folks to review this, and unfortunately this takes a bit longer.  I will loop back at the beginning of the week.  Thanks, Jeff

  • Hi again to both.
    I am checking in to see if there is any reply from legal on this.
    We are totally stopped here and cant launch our product for the past week.
    Dont mean to be a pest, just that we are in a a real pickle here and its starting to affect us.

    thank you for your support and consideration.
  • Hello Andre!

    sorry for the delay... let me please follow up on this.

    thanks, Jeff

  • Hello to all.
    checking in on this.
    thank you for updating us.

  • Hello Andre!

    Thanks for being patient! Such requests have to flow though our corporate level legal system, which unfortunately takes time.  I am hoping to get a response for you by Thursday.  Thanks, Jeff

  • Hello Andre!

    As an update I have pinged our legal department again today and am still awaiting a response.  There is an internal corporate approval process for such requests and so unfortunately it is currently out of my hands until I get a response.  I have stressed the importance and so hopefully hear back shortly.  Thanks for your patience. Thanks, Jeff

  • Hi Jeff,

    I understand about your legal dept... but please understand our situation. We bought over 3000 DAC Ics from TI and we made out pcb boards.  Now we have sold 1000 boards to a customer based in EU (paid and delivered) and they cannot use it because of this licensing issue.    What we need to know asap...under what license we can release the DSP files (in our Linux driver) .. then we can wait a few days for an official doc from your legal dept.


  • Hello Andre,
    1. What DSP flow (or flows) are running on PCM5142? Or more specifically what components are part of this Flow (example: NR, SRS surround etc.).
    2. In what form are you releasing the flow? is it in the binary format?

  • Hello Satish

    we want to distribute just the binary

    just the free components no surround or similar

    basically its mostly the HPF and LPF and ...also some mixers

    Nothing else

    Basicaly we spoke to Linux guys and they told me our license needs to be :

     DSP files generated with PurePath free from any restriction concerning distribution. ie. can be distributed and re-distributed.

    Thank you


  • Hello again to the TI team reading this.
    Can someone please get back to us... Its been 2 weeks that we are blocked from launching our product.
    This is a very bad situation for us.
    Thank you
  • hi Satish,
    i tried calling the 3 phone numbers available on the TI site for Israel, none work...
    can you please contact me, I added you as a contact...
    we are waiting for a final answer on this.
    Thank you
  • Hi Andre,
    Sorry for the late response. the reason for the delay was that we were working on this in background with our legal team.
    Our legal team has approved your request as per below:

    You may distribute object and executable versions of the TI component libraries, and its derivatives (“derivative” shall mean adding the TI component library to an audio signal flow of a product to make a new audio signal chain without changing the algorithm of the TI component library), provided that the TI component libraries or derivatives must be distributed as part of an end product which (i) consists of both hardware and software components, including executable only versions of the TI component libraries, or its derivatives, that execute solely and exclusively on TI devices and not on devices manufactured by or for an entity other than TI, and (ii) is sold by or for an original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) bearing such OEM brand name and part number. For clarification, you may not distribute any SRS technology or any other third party software/technology that may be included in the PurePath program. These rights shall only apply to the TI component libraries. Except as specifically granted here, the terms of the clickwrap license entitled ‘Source and Binary Code Internal Use License Agreement’ which accompanied the PurePath materials will remain in effect and continue to apply to your use of the software program.

  • Satish,
    thank you for the reply, but here is some clarification from our side:
    We are selling DAC cards (add on boards) to be used with any SBC (single board computers like RPIs) running Linux as OS. Please confirm that we can distribute the DSP flows in binary (with no paid components ) to our clients that already have SBCs bought from many sources..
    thank you
  • Andre,
    Yes. As you are distributing binaries adhering to the above terms to the users that have already purchased the DAC cards containing TI parts, it should be OK to distribute.
  • hi again Satish,
    Just confirming that the exact wording should also include:
    "allows those files to be freely distributed and re-distributed".
    Re-distributing is also important.
    thank you for confirming.
  • Satish
    for license to be compatible with Linux , the wording should be " you may distribute and re-distribute ....."
  • Hello Satish and team,
    Every passing day is very challenging for us as we get tremendous pressure form our customers who have our stock sitting on their shelves...
    Satish please advise us asap... your license must be compatible with GPL license. You need to include "distribute and re-distribute. Can we proceed ?

  • Hello Andre!


    While the TI PurePath program itself is proprietary and is not under an open source license, if your customers or their customers are distributing the DSP process flows as part of an end product that includes the TI device, then no further licensing would be necessary for any end user to use the product. Of course they cannot distribute the software on a stand-alone basis, without the hardware. Hopefully this helps. Thanks, Jeff

  • Hi Jeff ,
    we want to distribute the software only along with the TI based hardware. However most of our customers use Linux as an OS (os that's GPL) . Now this DSP flow is part of the driver . However the GPLed OS cannot coexist with your license . If the DSP flow is in the driver ( as it should) then your license should be compatible with GPL software.
    Thank you