I'm using the UAF42AU in a configuration matching sbfa012.pdf to make a 60Hz notch filter. I've put it between three amplifiers in series. My original signal is very small, so I need these three amplifiers to get to where I need to be. However, 60Hz noise is creeping in, that doesn't respond to shielding because my gain is so high at the first stage (200dB).
The first notch filter, after the first amplifier, successfully removes the 60Hz. However, it seems to INTRODUCE new noise at around 2kHz with magnitude around 4Vp-p. While this noise is subsequently squelched by an RC filter, it's large presence at a middle stage reduces the maximum gain I can apply at that stage. And I can't let the noise get clipped, or else the statistics of the desired signal get adversely effected.
So why might this 2kHz noise (and that is an approximate frequency) being created? How can I prevent it from being created?
Note that my subsequent stage at signal "V60PAout" goes into an RC filter, with R = 1K and C = 1nF and 1uF in parallel to ground.