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DRV2605 Autocalibration Error with DMJBRN0934 LRA

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV2605

I am trying to use the DRV2605 to drive a DMJBRN0934 LRA, and I am able to play waveforms from the rom library, but so far autocalibration has not succeeded. 

LRA Rated RMS Voltage: 2V

LRA Freq: 205Hz

Register settings

Rated voltage: 0x50 (1.66V)

Overdrive voltage: 0x71 (2.5V calculated from RMS voltage)

Feedback control: 0xA4 (From data sheet)

Control 1: 0x93 (Default)

Control 2: 0xF5 (Default)

Control 3: 0x80  (Default)

All other registers at default.

Output after autocalibration:

Autocal Comp: 0x0D

Autocal Bemf: 0x6D

Feedback: 0xA4

I tried calibrating at a lower rated voltage (0x20) and I still read an error from the status register.

Any ideas? I haven't changed any setting besides the rated and overdrive voltage, so I might be missing an important option in one of the registers.

Thanks for your help.


  • Theo,

    Does the actuator vibrate if you trigger the AutoCal?

    Are you trying this on an EVM? If not, can you post the DRV portion of the schematic?

    Here is a setup guide for the DRV2605 which you could find useful to cross-check:



  • Yes it does vibrate during autocal, and I'm doing this on custom hardware. I'll try to get the schematic to you soon.

    The setup guide looks like it might be helpful. I'll try a few things in it and get back to you.


  • Here's my schematic, I tried changing the settings to match the setup file, but it still returns an error after calibrating.

  • Theo,

    Looks like there is nothing on the outputs that could be causing the issue. How is the actuator mounted?

    Do you have another actuator to test on? Can you also try with the settings below and trigger an AutoCal?

    [ Also I noticed that the Vreg  is 100nF, recommended value is 1uF.]



    //SEMCO0934 1p5Vrms

    Commnd--I2CSlv--Addr--Data--Comment (All Values in Hex)

    w--B4--03--00--Library Selection
    w--B4--04--01--Waveform Sequencer 1
    w--B4--05--00--Waveform Sequencer 2
    w--B4--11--05--Audio To Haptics Control
    w--B4--12--19--Audio To Haptics Minimum Input Level
    w--B4--13--FF--Audio To Haptics Maximum Input Level
    w--B4--14--19--Audio To Haptics Minimum Output Drive
    w--B4--15--FF--Audio To Haptics Maximum Output Drive
    w--B4--16--3E--Rated Voltage
    w--B4--17--89--OverDrive Clamp Voltage
    w--B4--18--09--Auto Calibration Compensation Result
    w--B4--19--F5--Auto Calibration Back--EMF Result
    w--B4--1A--B7--Feedback Control
    w--B4--1E--30--Auto Calibration Memory Interface

  • Gautham,

    Still no luck with your recommended settings. 

    The motor is hot-glued to a pcb inside a case, would it be beneficial to try on a free motor?



  • Hi, Theo:

    the actuator must be mounted well to pass the calibration.

    =============my recommendation====================== 

    LRA Rated RMS Voltage: 2V

    LRA Freq: 205Hz

    Register settings

    Rated voltage: 0x50 (1.66V)

    Overdrive voltage: 0x71 (2.5V calculated from RMS voltage)

    Feedback control: 0xB6 (From data sheet)

    All other registers at default.
