My current INA114 setup consists of a load cell in a Wheatstone bridge configuration that reads 0 mv with no weight on it. When weight is placed on it I want the output to go to 5v or higher. When there is no weight on the load cell I want the output to be 0v.
With my current layout which is not pictured, I am using 5v from my microcontroller and the ground from my microcontroller to power the INA114. The output goes no higher than 4.5 volts, and no lower than .5 volts with this configuration. It is perfectly acceptable if the voltage goes above 5v or below 0v.
Below is my new schematic layout that I am hoping will correct this issue. Not pictured is the micro controller that is grounded to the ground of a +-15v voltage regulator: NCS6D4815C. That voltage regulator is represented by the VCC 15V-R and VCC -15V-R on the below schematic.
The below schematic is identical to the schematic I was using but instead of the voltage of 15V and -15V, it is 5v and ground to the microcontroller respectively.
Will this schematic work the way I want it to?