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TLC3702-Q1. 3.3V operation

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC3702-Q1


The datasheet on page 1 under features says: Single-Supply Operation . . . 3 V to 16 V

But on page 3, VDD Supply voltage is shown to have a recommended minimum of 4V


Can this part be used with 3.3V?

Thanks for clarifying,


  • Hi Belenie,

    The 3V to 16V is a line that is from the commercial version of the device with a narrower operating temperature range. For the TLC3702-Q1 with the full -40 to +125C temperature range the recommended operation is 4V to 16V. I'll will put a note in to the team working datasheets that it would be more clear if the front page was updated to match the recommended operating conditions or a clarifying statement put with the 3V.

    - Scott