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Having problem in customizing TSW1400 board

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE5808

Hi all,
I am working with AFE5808 evm and TSW1400, I have programmed in Quartus II to receive ADC Differential LVDS data (320MHz) and route the data to SYNC1(J14),SYNC2(J15) on TSW1400 board. When I download my customized firmware in board, I have observed in oscilloscope the analog input channel of AFE is getting noisy (Note : nothing analog input is fed to AFE). But for the AFE5808_14b firmware no noise introduced at the AFE input.

Can somebody help me to solve this problem.
I having one doubt that what is the IO Standard and drive strength settings of the input pins of tsw board.

Thank you.


  • Hi Chandu,

    I might need more detail to help.  Can you explain what you mean by noisy?  Is this an SNR degradation? or extremely noisy?

    Obviously, there should be no coupling between the FPGA and the AFE analog inputs. Can you try to isolate the issue by turning off the sync outputs?  Is this only time you see the noise? 

    The EVMs should share:

    Data lines

    Fclk lines

    Dclk lines


    Can you tell whether you are capturing the data correctly inside the FPGA?


    Chuck Smyth

  • Hi,

    Thank you for giving reply.

    To give you understanding of my problem, I have inserted the three images, two of them are signal probed at analog input channel of AFE5808 in two different cases.

    The below image tell you about the hardware setup. From the AFE, frame clock, two data lines are used and the serial differential LVDS data is routed to output differential pair. The HDL design on TSW board is tested using testpattern from AFE, for example pattern: toggle, and observed the o/p of TSW. 

    Signal when TSW board having AFE5808 ADC firmware :

    This is the signal when TSW board having our custom firmware:

  • Hi Chuck Smyth,

    Hope you understood my problem, if not please feel free to ask me.

    Waiting for your valuable solution.

    Thank you.


  • Chandu,

    I will need to know more detail. I think that I understand the symptom, but I don't know what is happening inside your FW.

    The only paths for the noise to return back to the analog input are EMI, ground on the LVDS connector, data or clocks on the LVDS connector.
    Can you probe the GND or LVDS signals?

    Can you describe your modification to the Firmware? Did you use our firmware and then modify it? If so, how much modification, 5%? Can you mention exactly what you change to see the problem happen? Can you still capture data on HSDCPro?


    Chuck Smyth
  • Hi Chuk Smyth,

    Actually I have created my own firmware in Quartus II for Stratix board. My design consists of low-voltage differential signaling serializer or deserializer (LVDS SERDES) megafunction IP cores (ALTLVDS_TX and ALTLVDS_RX). The RTL schematic is shown in the below figure.

    The pin configuration and IO Standard is posted in the previous post. In that firmware I am taking single channel differential data and frame clock for receiving data, I am using alt_lvds_rx ip. For transmitting the serial data I am using alt_lvds_tx ip.  Then I am taking out the same through the SMA pins(SYNC1(J14),SYNC2(J15)) available on the board.  

    Here the When I programme the TSW board with AFE5808 ADC firmware, A clear signal at the AFE5808 analog input. But when I re-programme with my custom firmware I have observed the noise (The signal is shown in previous post) at AFE5808 analog input. 

    Thank you, waiting for your reply.



  • Hi Chuck Smyth,
    If you understood the problem could you please guide me to solve the issue.

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    Can somebody help me to solve this problem. I have explained the problem and the RTL schematic of RTL code on TSW board in previous post. My problem is that, when I program my customized firmware  in to TSW board, I'm observing noise at the analog input of AFE (Here the AFE 5808 and TSW1400 are connected together and powered on), of-course not with the AFE5808 ADC firmware. I'm  sharing the Quartus II project also.

    Can somebody review my project and tell me the problem with firmware.


    Thank you. waiting for the solution.



  • Hi Chandu,

    unfortunately we do not support the firmware once it is distributed, so I can only help so much. If we thought that this issue was due to the AFE performance, then I could help debug that. It seems that the change in the firmware causes the issue. If you could point out what about the new FW that you change to cause the issue, then I could help more. Is the issue present when the EVMs are not connected?


    Chuck Smyth