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Example code for AFE4403?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE4403, AFE4403EVM

Hi, I'm new to this "AFE4403".

I bought this sensor module. A 3rd party company has made a module using AFE4403.

(Link;   )

This is the pin map, provided from the 3rd party company.

I'm using two eval boards. One is TI's Tiva TM4C123GXL. Another one is ST's STM32F4-Discovery.

My objective is connecting the AFE4403 module to my eval boards to receive HRM and oximeter.

Although I read about the FAQ, I couldn't find a example code about calculating the data I want.

(I may be I missed the context about example codes.)

Anyways, I'm looking for an example code or libraries to use the AFE4403 module, connecting with my boards.

Is there any libraries or example codes?

-Regards, Minku